uchchhrrinkal example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Burials in pits or storage of abandoned dumps are specific to these crops 2. By drilling a well, the old alluvium was found under the rock mass, and the site has naturally had to be abandoned 3. Contact with numerically largest populations, some Gond abandoned their language and speak Hindi, Marathi and Telugu by region 4. Ferdinand VII was forced to make his crown to his father, who abandoned him to Napoleon 5. France abandoned the Ath, Oudenaarde, Charleroi, but got what Spain had kept the Artois region of Aire-sur-la-Lys and Saint-Omer

Given are the examples of hindi word uchchhrrinkal usage in english sentences. The examples of uchchhrrinkal are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., abandoned.

He abandoned this plan for similar reasons and instead wrote an original Telugu novel called Rajasekhara Caritamu in 187 In the north, Bharatendu Harishchandra, the pioneer of modern Hindi literature, encouraged many members of his circle of poets and writers to recreate and translate novels from other languages.

Within a few years the British planters abandoned their estates, which reverted to the peasants.
However, following a crisis, Argentina abandoned the currency board and let its currency float in January 200 Another arrangement adopted by Equador in 2000 was dollarisation when it abandoned the domestic currency and adopted the US dollar.
According to eyewitness accounts, elephants screamed and ran for higher ground; dogs refused to go outdoors; flamingoes abandoned their low-lying breeding areas; and zoo animals rushed into their shelters and could not be enticed to come back out.
After the soil loses its fertility, the land is abandoned and the cultivator moves to a new plot.
Mining sites are abandoned after excavation work is complete leaving deep scars and traces of over-burdening.
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