ujjiti example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. From 1835 he began to the conquest of the French capital, where he studied with Anton Reicha and Peter Zimmermann 2. GALLO-ROMAN (RELIGION) GALLO-ROMAN religi Direct documents we have left the Celts (and therefore the Gauls) prior to the Roman conquest are archaeological and are the early history 3. Gulf in the Hellenistic period texts and archeology agree to show that the Gulf enjoyed great prosperity during the conquest of the Achaemenid Empire by Alexander the Great, and it continued later 4. History and Civilization Origins Belgian invasions The conquest of Gaul by the Celts took place in two main phases 5. Hitler made the conquest of "living space" the central theme of the Nazi ideology and policy

Given are the examples of hindi word ujjiti usage in english sentences. The examples of ujjiti are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., conquest, victory, subjugation, success, subjection, win, winning, triumph, conquest, result.

Shiv Nadar, Chairman and CEO, attributes the success of the group to its management team and their entrepreneurial spirit, which together have enabled it to handle rapid changes in environments and technologies, and to transform threats into opportunities.

The success of the business lies in the complex yet well coordinated exercise that is carried out on the streets of Mumbai day after day.
Managers who understand analysis, strategy, engineering, and technology are still going to be needed, but extremely critical to global success are people who understand how teams work, how organisations work, how people are motivated.
Generally, students having low intelligence are not likely to do so well in school-related examinations, but their success in life is not associated only with their intelligence test scores.
The study of gifted individuals began in 1925, when Lewis Terman followed the lives of about 1500 children with Qs of 130 and above to examine how intelligence was related to occupational success and life adjustment.
An enthusiastic supporter of British conquest of India, Rennel saw preparation of maps as essential to the process of domination.
When the subjugation of one country by another leads to these kinds of political, economic, social and cultural changes, we refer to the process as colonisation.
, Whenever we hear the success stories of any organisation, we are immediately reminded of their leaders.
You would say it is not possible to achieve success without such great leaders.
The leaders always play a key role for the success and excellence of any organisation.
संबंधित शब्द उज्जिति के पर्यायवाची

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