uttarajeevita example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. On this millet ("Nation") reconstituted the Church exerted all his influence to discourage revolts against the government of Orthodox Sultan, explaining that the peace depended the survival of the Greek people 2. Only companies located in Zone D have a good chance of survival 3. Refuge against the bustle of the secular world, conservatory traditions whose survival must be ensured, the Freemasons, like all human institutions, is threatened by the current development of civilization 4. Such as politics, the real etiquette here becomes the science of survival 5. The American presence in South Vietnam, the division of Korea, "China Taiwan", is not it, with new features, a survival of the issue of the Far East?

Given are the examples of hindi word uttarajeevita usage in english sentences. The examples of uttarajeevita are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., survival.

Like any other business enterprise profits are important for the survival and growth of HCL as an enterprise.

Management must strive to ensure the survival of the organisation.
P rofit: Mere survival is not enough for business.
These top level managers are responsible for the welfare and survival of the organisation.
They analyse the business environment and its implications for the survival of the firm.
The survival of all members of his family depends on his daily earnings from pulling rickshaw.
In this way, Ahmad is able to eke out his survival with less than sufficient earnings for his big family where he is the only earning member.
The human-environment relationship can be appreciated fully by understanding that the two influence each other, and depend on each other for their survival and maintenance.
The Chipko movement's memorandum of demands included six principles: (a) only specific trees and vegetation suitable for a particular geographical region should be grown, (b) forests in landslide and soil erosion zones need to be identified and renewed, (c) those who have been customarily living near the forests and depending on them for survival should be given the right to do so, (d) the contractor system for commercial timber exploitation should be abolished, (e) trees used by the villagers must be planted near the villages, and (f) village cottage industries based on minor forest products should be set up to provide jobs to locals for checking migration from villages.
In fact, objectives are needed in every area that influences the survival and prosperity of business.
संबंधित शब्द उत्तरजीविता के पर्यायवाची