uttaraadhikaar example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest उत्तराधिकार uttaraadhikaar news and headlines :
1. केंद्र सरकार मौजूदा आरबीआई गवर्नर रघुराम राजन के उत्तराधिकार की घोषणा जल्द करेगीamarujala.com2. -सिंधिया राजवंश के जनकोजीराव की मृत्यु के बाद ग्वालियर स्टेट में उत्तराधिकार की समस्या सामने आ गई, क्योंकि उनके कोई संतान नहीं थी bhaskar.com3. राजपाल सिंह ने भी माना कि उत्तराधिकार का प्रमाण पत्र जारी करने का यह अधिकार केवल कोर्ट का है bhaskar.com
4. श्रवण कुमार ने कहा कि सूरजगढ़ नगरपालिका अध्यक्ष ने अपने पद का दुरुपयोग किया है और उन्होंने उत्तराधिकार प्रमाण पत्र जारी कर दिए bhaskar.com5. उत्तराधिकार प्रमाण पत्र जारी करने का अधिकार केवल सेशन जज को है, लेकिन सूरजगढ़ नगरपालिका के अध्यक्ष ने कई लोगों को उत्तराधिकार प्रमाण पत्र जारी कर दिए bhaskar.comUsage and Example of uttaraadhikaar 1. काश्तकारों को उनकी ज़मीन से हटाने के लिए उत्तराधिकार कानून भी बदल दिए गए। 2. प्रथम मुग़ल शासक बाबर ने जब 1494 में फरघाना राज्य का उत्तराधिकार प्राप्त किया, तो उसकी उम्र केवल बारह वर्ष की थी। 3. कक्षा 6 की पुस्तक में आपने 2005 के हिंदू उत्तराधिकार संशोधन कानून के बारे में पढ़ा होगा। 4. उनकी मृत्‍यु के बाद गुरू अमरदास जी ने उनका उत्तराधिकार लिया। 5. कुरूक्षेत्र का युद्ध यद्यपि सत्ता के उत्तराधिकार का युद्ध है पर पांडवों के हृदय में इस युद्ध। 1. Flanders passed by inheritance to the Duke of Burgundy, Philip the Bold, in 1384, and then the Habsburgs in 1477 2. In addition, through the inheritance or to seize any opportunity to expand their possessions, vassals, very early, came to hold fiefs of various lords and, therefore, to lend more tributes 3. In all cases, the primary authority and inheritance are not transmitted from father to son, but the maternal uncle to sister's son 4. In December, Cromwell resigns itself to take power with the title of Lord Protector, he constantly refuses to exchange against the king, but leaves develop into the inheritance in favor of his son Richard 5. In this second case, we speak of trust inheritance

Given are the examples of hindi word uttaraadhikaar usage in english sentences. The examples of uttaraadhikaar are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., inheritance, heritage, succession.

The second part of the unit encourages students to think about the rich heritage of Indian music, and our musical instruments.

Foreign tourists visit India for heritage tourism, eco tourism, adventure tourism, cultural tourism, medical tourism and business tourism.
The right of inheritance had already lead to fragmentation of land holdings necessitating consolidation of holdings.
To abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the National Flag and the National Anthem; To cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our national struggle for freedom; To uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India; To defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so; To promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India transcending religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities; to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of women; To value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture; To protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers, wildlife and to have compassion for living creatures; To develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform; To safeguard public property and to abjure violence; To strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement; Who is a parent or guardian, to provide opportunities for education to his child or, as the case may be, ward between the age of six and fourteen years.
It has very rich cultural heritage but it is deficient in water, infrastructure and some vital minerals.
” Ustad Bismillah Khan's life is a perfect example of the rich, cultural heritage of India, one that effortlessly accepts that a devout Muslim like him can very naturally play the shehnai every morning at the Kashi ishwanath temple.
It was in South Africa that Baker came in touch with Cecil Rhodes, the Governor of Cape Town, who inspired in Baker a love for the British empire and an admiration for the architectural heritage of ancient Rome and Greece.
संबंधित शब्द उत्तराधिकार के पर्यायवाची उत्तराधिकार के विपरीत शब्द