utplavana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. So I understand the slow dance of the Britons, in which the rhythm of the feet is retained somehow counted by hand (ALAIN, About, 1933 p 2. The follies of Spain, dance 3. The golem then came to life; when insiders inversaient their sense of dance as well as the order of the sacred letters, the golem collapsed and lost his life 4. The idea of ??the camera filming the show and at the same time the life of the company that prepares the dance and was already outlined in Bodas, but here it is carried to its extreme consequences 5. The martyr [the victim a fight], about to dance his last gavotte, (

Given are the examples of hindi word utplavana usage in english sentences. The examples of utplavana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., hop, leap, jump, dance, spring, caper, dap, take off, plunge, jump, ramp, leap, spring, jig, kick up feet, bounce, buck.

From here he also watched dance and music performances as well as wrestling bouts.

The old merchant elite of Calcutta patronised public forms of entertainment such as kabirlarai (poetry contests), musical soirees and dance performances.
The trio won the award for their development of the metathesis method in organic synthesis –a way to rearrange groups of atoms within molecules that the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences likened to a dance in which couples change partners.
The energy transferred to the spring inside is stored as potential energy.
Finally, we take another leap and look at democracies in the year 2000, at the beginning of the twenty-first century.
And while she lay in her bed, crying still even though she felt rather hungry, she saw a little bird hop into her room.
This convinced the people that the rule of the British had collapsed for good and gave them the confidence to take the plunge and join the rebellion.
Do you hear anything, Oop? (loudly) Not a thing! (Omega and Iota jump in fright.
“Their children do the same things as you probably do, play games, quarrel sometimes and then make-up, sing, dance and help the families with various things that need to be done.
Conflicts may occur between two or more incompatible needs or motives, e.g. whether to study dance or psychology.
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