udgharshana example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Generally insect pests attack the plants in three ways: they cut the root, stem and leaf, they suck the cell sap from various parts of the plant, and they bore into stem and fruits.
It refers to an object that could be a photograph, bar code image or another document created in another software application.
Save the table design by clicking at File item of menu bar followed by click at Save option.
This control specifies the text message that is displayed in the status bar when the control acquires the focus.Transliterated examples :
1. 2 under the baton of Václav Talich (Prague, 1935) 2. Foch had received a marshal's baton in France in August 1918, one of Great Britain in 1919 and of Poland in 1923 3. To stave off ruin, it was necessary, in the middle of the eighteenth century, to strengthen it by six circles of iron weighing a total of fifty tons 4. It is said that during his Metropolitan Opera debut in Tristan and Isolde, in January 1935, she made an impression as his partner missed his entrance and the leader, Artur Bodanzky, let out his wand 5. Synonyms: - Pan Flute wand or flute polycalame synonyms - syrinx n fluteGiven are the examples of hindi word udgharshana usage in english sentences. The examples of udgharshana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., cue, handrail, baton, stave, wand, bludgeon, bar, truncheon, nightstick, sap, blackjack, cosh.
To be able to practice in India lawyers have to become members of the Bar Council which regulates and controls their activities.
Generally insect pests attack the plants in three ways: they cut the root, stem and leaf, they suck the cell sap from various parts of the plant, and they bore into stem and fruits.
It refers to an object that could be a photograph, bar code image or another document created in another software application.
Save the table design by clicking at File item of menu bar followed by click at Save option.
The label can be reselected by a click, followed by using the formatting tool bar to format the title.
The property sheet title bar includes names of objects contained in the Form.
The Report/Page footer bar is brought close to the fields laid out in Detail section so that the gap between records of details section is minimized.
Page headers and page footers may also be added by right click at title bar of report object, followed by click at Page header/footer.
The date and time is added by clicking Insert % date and time from the menu bar to open the Date and Time dialog box.
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