unak example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. But it is possible that the settlers nor understand, nor that the metropolis, if indeed it is already capable to realize the make them accept 2. But the teenager must define their career plan, choose, since it finds its "ability", he understands his desires and the ability to realize them in a trade 3. But the work of the two brothers - both of Tales or their scientific work - was born whole of their intimacy, a community of feelings and intellectual interests that unites them to the end 4. But these truths are purely conventional: they only fall under the decisions we have taken to give them that status 5. But this trait, though common to all the Gnostic systems, is not specific to them

Given are the examples of hindi word unak usage in english sentences. The examples of unak are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., them, their.

those who hunted them had to follow their movements.जानवरों का शिकार करने वाले लोग भी इनके पीछे-पीछे जाया करते होंगे|

People attract and then tame animals by leaving food for them near their shelters.लोगों ने अपने घरों के आस-पास चारा रखकर जानवरों को आकिर्षत कर उन्हें पालतू बनाया|
Later in this chapter you will understand that although both of them are managers, they function at different levels in the organisation.
Consequently, the goods do not reach the market and hence the demand for them declines and competitors enter the market.
For this they need to: interpret the policies framed by top management, ensure that their department has the necessary personnel, assign necessary duties and responsibilities to them, motivate them to achieve desired objectives, and co-operate with other departments for smooth functioning of the organisation.
This implies setting goals in advance and developing a way of achieving them efficiently and effectively.
Planning cannot prevent problems, but it can predict them and prepare contingency plans to deal with them if and when they occur.
Motivating workers means simply creating an environment that makes them want to work.
Leadership is influencing others to do what the leader wants them to do.
The second dabbawalla sorts out the dabbas at the railway station according to destination and puts them in the luggage carriage.
संबंधित शब्द उनक् के पर्यायवाची