upabhog example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest उपभोग upabhog news and headlines :
1. जिनके बिल की राशि उपभोग की गई बिजली से कम है bhaskar.com2. वहीं कुछ लोग ऐसे भी है, जिनके बिल उपभोग की गई बिजली से कम होते हैं bhaskar.com3. लक्ष्मी का उपयोग करें उपभोग नहीं LiveHindustan
4. क्या आप अब तक इस असमंजस में हैं कि आहार में वसा का उपभोग सही है या गलत? तो यही समय है, अच्छे और बुरे के बीच फर्क कर सही के चुनाव काibnlive.com5. उपभोग बढ़ने से ही होगा बाजार का भला LiveHindustanUsage and Example of upabhog 1. मकानों के निमार्ण और घरेलू ज़रूरत की चीज़ों में निवेश से रोज़गार और माँग बढ़ती थी तो दूसरी और उपभोग भी बढ़ता था। 2. पहला, बृहत उत्पादन पर आधारित किसी औद्योगिक समाज को व्यापक उपभोग के बिना क़ायम नहीं रखा जा सकता। 3. परिवहन के द्धारा कच्चा माल उत्पादन स्थल पर लाया जाता है तथा तैयार माल को कारखाने से उपभोग के स्थान तक ले जाया जाता है। 4. नहीं उपभोग की वस्तु, न नारी दास होती है! 5. यह माना जाता है कि उसका सौंदर्य और यौवन उपभोग के लिए है। 1. Geographical Distribution World consumption (Fig 2. However, in Western Europe, the production of agricultural products exceeds consumption 3. In 1970, agricultural production has exceeded European consumption in most areas 4. In 1990 the Community was to achieve: - advancing energy consumption slower than Fr 5. In addition, the forms of contemporary production and consumption are being challenged in the name of ecology

Given are the examples of hindi word upabhog usage in english sentences. The examples of upabhog are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., consumption, enjoyment.

By a household we mean a single individual who takes decisions relating to her own consumption, or a group of individuals for whom decisions relating to consumption are jointly determined.

However, for some products that affect the health and safety of consumers or of products of mass consumption like LPG cylinders, food colours and additives, cement, packaged drinking water, it is mandatory on the part of the producers to get certified by these organisations.
marked ineffectiveness of PDS, which is apparent from the fact that the average consumption of PDS grain at the all-India level is only 1 kg per person per month.
The average consumption figureure is as low as less than 300 gm per person per month in the states of Bihar, Orissa and Uttar Pradesh.
In contrast, the average consumption in most of the southern states like Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh is in the range of 3 4 kgs per person per month.
In Madhya Pradesh only 5% of wheat and rice consumption of the poor are met through the ration shops.
Electricity Electricity has such a wide range of applications in today s world that, its percapita consumption is considered as an index of development.
The growing consumption of energy has resulted in the country becoming increasingly dependent on fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas.
Shrubs, farm waste, animal and human waste are used to produce biogas for domestic consumption in rural areas.
As a result, consumption of energy in all forms has been steadily rising all over the country.
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