upaa?shu example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of upaa?shu 1. वाचिक, उपांशु और मानस जप के तेज गति वाले अभ्यास कराए जाते हैं। 1. As for the natives, the Caribbean, they had been gradually exterminated or banished 2. At these social differences are added cultural differences by the presence of a population of immigrants, although sousreprésentée in large ensembles, gradually has increased in a number of sets 3. Celtic civilization is profoundly transformed, takes a national character, is gradually spreading to the whole of Gaul and much of Europe 4. Cosette gradually became a woman and grew "(Hugo) 5. Despite some progress in the prevention of accidents in international waters of the Aegean, the "spirit of Davos" was gradually extinguished in 1989

Given are the examples of hindi word upaa?shu usage in english sentences. The examples of upaa?shu are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., gradually, leisurely, sluggishly, slow, little by little, slowly, by degrees, inch by inch.

The development of trade and commerce gradually led to the development of management principles and practices.

The qualities and skills regarded as intelligent actions in non-western cultures are sharply different, though the boundaries are gradually vanishing under the influence of western cultures.
But economists gradually discovered that they had to look further.
But economists gradually discovered that they had to look further.
Pilgrimage centres also slowly developed into townships.
If suitable rewards are given and supervisor gives positive encouragement and praise for the good work done, the worker may slowly develop positive attitude towards the work.
Grain Banks are now slowly taking shape in different parts of Maharashtra.
The geological processes of mineral formation are so slow that the rates of replenishment are infinitely small in comparison to the present rates of consumption.
Under high pressure and high temperature, dead plants got slowly converted to coal.
As coal contains mainly carbon, the slow process of conversion of dead vegetation into coal is called carbonisation.
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