upaasan example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. The place names that bear his name, many exceptional when compared with the other gods of the North, attest that worship natural forces: Champ de Freyr (Frösåker) or Pre-de-Freyr (Fros / v / in) by example 2. The prénestin worship was never introduced in Rome; but it demonstrates a very archaic state of theology and perhaps the Fortuna mythology in Lazio 3. The ritual behaviors go from the worship of God to the making of remedies against spells or incantations to make a deadly spear 4. The Samaria formed in Palestine a kind of enclave, which was preserved the old worship of Gerizim (Renan, Jesus Life, 1863, p 5. The South Arabian origin is attested by the Geographical Names and by forms of worship and technologies, military technologies and the use of some food plants
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