uphataada example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. In the case of developing societies today, the difficulty is multiplied 2. It is no great difficulty the Belgian artist has achieved international fame 3. It seems that the main difficulty lies in the gamete itself 4. Like a flower without any difficulty very easily 5. Like a flower: very easily, softly, without difficulty

Given are the examples of hindi word uphataada usage in english sentences. The examples of uphataada are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., difficulty, objection, challenge, need, beginning, commencement, debut, onset, break, opening, starting, occurrence, occur, occurence, event, incident, events, recede, case, reduce, decline, happening, go down, come down, sink, set, thing, occasion, instance, occcurrence, subside, decrease, fall, shrink, wane, scene, affair, contingency, coincidence, conjunction, coincident, fortune, accident, combination, chance, union, consumption.

Magadh rulers were very powerful, and set up a large kingdom.मगध शासक बहुत शक्तिशाली थे और उन्होंने एक विशाल राज्य स्थापित किया था|

To hunt animals or catch fish and birds, people need to be alert, quick, and have lots of presence of mind.जानवरों के शिकार, चिड़िया या मछलियाँ पकड़ने के लिए बड़ा सतर्क, जागरूक और तेज़ होना पड़ता है|
To collect plant produce, you need to find out which plants or parts of plants are edible, that is, can be eaten, as many can be poisonous.पेड़-पौधों से खाना जुटाने के लिए यह जानना जरूरी होता है, कि कौन-से पेड़-पौधे खाने योग्य होते हैं, क्योंकि कई तरह के पौधे विषैले भी होते हैं|
animals move from place to place — either in search of smaller prey, or, in the case of deer and wild cattle, in search of grass and leaves.जानवर अपने शिकार के लिए या फिर हिरण और मवेशी अपना चारा ढूँढ़ने के लिए एक जगह से दूसरी जगह जाया करते हैं|
People, plants and animals need water to survive and water is found in lakes, streams and rivers.पानी के बिना किसी भी प्राणी या पेड़-पौधो का जीवित रहना संभव नहीं होता और पानी झीलों, झरनों तथा नदियों में ही मिलता है|
It has set up educational institutions in the fields of management, engineering and computer education, in which one-third of the students are girls.
The above case is an example of a successful organisation which is amongst the top companies in India.
Successful organisations do not achieve their goals by chance but by following a deliberate process called management .
As you have seen from the above example and case study that management is an activity which is necessary wherever there is a group of people working in an organisation.
We need to analyse this definition.
संबंधित शब्द उफताद के पर्यायवाची

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