ulaathanaa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Here is how things go, "Despite the very clear difference between the two types of onset of the disease that we have described, they essentially coincide and can easily be reduced to the unit 2. However, if it was meant to destroy was clear what to build was less 3. If he does not give instructions to vote, its formula, "Chirac, Jospin is worse", which will clear preferences 4. If state capitalism and the return to power of General de Gaulle causes an obvious political change, things are not so clear in the economic order 5. In Phyllanthoïdées, the trend pseudanthisation is clear that in the male flowers (dioecy) trees of the Afro-Malagasy kind Uapaca

Given are the examples of hindi word ulaathanaa usage in english sentences. The examples of ulaathanaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., clear, step aside, forfend, move, keep back, mind out, lose sight of, pull out, get away, get down, alight, get, go down, dismount, descend, ebb, disembark, splash down, sink, touch down, set down, crash, glide, land, slip, fall, unhorse.

The Iranians and the Greeks who came through the northwest about 2500 years ago and were familiar with the Indus, called it the Hindos or the Indos, and the land to the east of the river was called India.लगभग 2500 वर्ष पूर्व उत्तर-पश्चिम की ओर से आने वाले ईरानियों और यूनानियों ने सिंधु को हिंदोस अथवा इंदोस और इस नदी के पूर्व में स्थित भूमि प्रदेश को इण्डिया कहा|

Most people living in the Andaman Islands get their own food by fishing, hunting, and collecting forest produce. By contrast, most people living in cities depend on others for supplies of food.अंडमान द्धीप के अधिकांश लोग अपना भोजन मछलियाँ पकड़ कर, शिकार करके तथा फल-फूल के संग्रह द्धारा प्राप्त करते हैं|
The immense variety of plats in tropical land were an extremely important source of obtaining food.गर्त देशों में पेड़-पौधों की अनगिनत प्रजातियाँ भोजन के अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण स्रोत थे|
animals move from place to place — either in search of smaller prey, or, in the case of deer and wild cattle, in search of grass and leaves.जानवर अपने शिकार के लिए या फिर हिरण और मवेशी अपना चारा ढूँढ़ने के लिए एक जगह से दूसरी जगह जाया करते हैं|
There is no ink in the pen. Go and get some ink.क़लम में स्याही नहीं है| जाओ और थोड़ी स्याही लाओ|
Rohan, get up, drink hot tea.रोहन, उठो, गरम चाय पियो|
Process in the definition means the primary functions or activities that management performs to get things done.
For example, to become a chartered accountant in India a candidate has to clear a specified examination conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
Whatever be the circumstances, the dabbawallas never get delayed even by a few minutes.
As boundaries between cultures and nations get blurred and new communication technology makes it possible to think of the world as a global village , the scope of international and intercultural relationships is rapidly expanding.
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