ekaaek example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
4. रात को बिगड़े हालात ने पैदा कर दिया था एकाएक तनाव amarujala.com5. गौर हो कि शहर में एकाएक इललीगल कॉलोनियां काटने का चलन फिर से शुरू हो गया है bhaskar.com6. वहीं, हाईकोर्ट में अगली तारीख मिलने पर धरनास्थल पर माहौल भी एकाएक गंभीर हो गया bhaskar.com7. पनामा पेपर्स लीक के ताजा रहस्योद्घाटन के बाद मीनापुर का छेगन नेउरा एकाएक चर्चा में आ गया है jagran.com8. एकाएक गांव में बच्चों के बीमार पड़ने से अफरा-तफरी मच गई bhaskar.com9. सांसद के गोद ग्राम पंचायत केडार में खण्ड स्तरीय जन समस्या निवारण शिविर में उस समय अफरा तफरी मच गई, जब शिविर में शिकायत का आवेदन देने पहुंचे ग्राम अमलडीहा निवासी कमलदास ने ग्रामीण विस्तार अधिकारी एएन योगी ने अपने खिलाफ शिकायत होने पर बौखलाहट में एकाएक गाली-गलौच करते हुए मारपीट कर दी bhaskar.com10. तीन दिन से प्रदेश के विभिन्न भागों में हो रही बारिश की हल्की बौछारों व ऊंचाई वाले स्थानों में बर्फबारी से तापमान में एकाएक गिरावट आई है jagran.comUsage and Example of ekaaek 1. वह एकाएक दार्शनिकों की तरह कहने लगी, "ये हिमशिखर जल स्तंभ हैं, पूरे एशिया के। 2. मगर यह बताओ कि तुम एकाएक ऐसे कैसे हो गए? 3. बारह वर्षों बाद जब एकाएक मेरी उससे मुलाकात हुई, तब आनंद और आश्चर्य का कोई ठिकाना न रहा। 4. एकाएक धुएँ के उस ओर चेहरा झलकता है । 5. एकाएक वह एक-स्वर टूट गया-मौन हो गया। 1. From the beginning of the fifth century in Sicily, Epicharmus writing short comic mimes, played by actors 2. Gorakhnath GORAKHN TH (twelfth century These treaties are almost all lost and it knows no Gorakhn th a short poem (172 shlokas) designated as the "Centuries of Goraksha" (Gorak has ? - ? ataka) or " Goraksha words "(? Gorak-avaana his face =" EU Updot "? graha) 3. He [the Prince] was short of form, he soon was out of breath (Arnoux, Gentilsh 4. He also wrote novels and short stories (Ackroyd, 1977), screenplays (for Robert Altman's Popeye in 1981) 5. He is also working on two books-disc in collaboration with the singer Jacques Dutronc and writes for television forty short films
Solvency ratios are calculated to determine the ability of the business to service its debt in the long run instead of in the short run.
10,000 resulting in short debit to sales returns account is a case of two errors compensating each other s effect.
Such short durations allow farmers to grow multiple rounds of crops in a year.
The change from metallic to non-metallic character is not abrupt as shown by the thick zig-zag line in Figureure The elements (e.g., silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony and tellurium) bordering this line and running diagonally across the Periodic Table show properties that are characteristic of both metals and nonmetals.
It was for such people that The Hindu had published a tiny announcement in an insignificant corner of an unimportant page a short story contest organised by a British periodical by the name The Encounter.
A new revised volume of Issac Asimov s short stories has just been released.
The growing importance of road transport vis- -vis rail transport is rooted in the following reasons; (a) construction cost of roads is much lower than that of railway lines, (b) roads can traverse comparatively more dissected and undulating topography, (c) roads can negotiate higher gradients of slopes and as such can traverse mountains such as the Himalayas, (d) road transport is economical in transportation of few persons and relatively smaller amount of goods over short distances, (e) it also provides door-to-door service, thus the cost of loading and unloading is much lower, (f) road transport is also used as a feeder to other modes of transport such as they provide a link between railway stations, air and sea ports.
It produces short films; video feature films and video short films.Latest एकाएक ekaaek news and headlines :
1. दिल्ली मेट्रो के पटेल नगर स्टेशन पर ट्रेन के एक कोच में एकाएक आग लग गईlivehindustan.com2. अल्मोड़ा से हल्द्वानी की ओर जा रहा दुग्ध वाहन लोहाली के समीप एकाएक टायर फटने से असंतुलित होकर हाईवे पर ही पलट गया jagran.com3. दिल्ली के बुरारी में रिंग रोड के पास एक कार में एकाएक आग लग जाने से धू-धू कर जल गईamarujala.comGiven are the examples of hindi word ekaaek usage in english sentences. The examples of ekaaek are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., abrupt, short, all of a sudden, unawares.
Liquidity ratios are calculated to have indications about the short term solvency of the business, i.e. the firm s ability to meet its current obligations.
Solvency ratios are calculated to determine the ability of the business to service its debt in the long run instead of in the short run.
10,000 resulting in short debit to sales returns account is a case of two errors compensating each other s effect.
Such short durations allow farmers to grow multiple rounds of crops in a year.
The change from metallic to non-metallic character is not abrupt as shown by the thick zig-zag line in Figureure The elements (e.g., silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony and tellurium) bordering this line and running diagonally across the Periodic Table show properties that are characteristic of both metals and nonmetals.
It was for such people that The Hindu had published a tiny announcement in an insignificant corner of an unimportant page a short story contest organised by a British periodical by the name The Encounter.
A new revised volume of Issac Asimov s short stories has just been released.
The growing importance of road transport vis- -vis rail transport is rooted in the following reasons; (a) construction cost of roads is much lower than that of railway lines, (b) roads can traverse comparatively more dissected and undulating topography, (c) roads can negotiate higher gradients of slopes and as such can traverse mountains such as the Himalayas, (d) road transport is economical in transportation of few persons and relatively smaller amount of goods over short distances, (e) it also provides door-to-door service, thus the cost of loading and unloading is much lower, (f) road transport is also used as a feeder to other modes of transport such as they provide a link between railway stations, air and sea ports.
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संबंधित शब्द एकाएक के पर्यायवाची एकाएक के विपरीत शब्द