etheen example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word etheen usage in english sentences. The examples of etheen are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., ethyne.

Their general formula is CnH2n– The first stable member of alkyne series is ethyne which is popularly known as acetylene.

Common and IUPAC names of a few members of alkyne series are given in Table 1 You have already learnt that ethyne and propyne have got only one structure but there are two possible structures for butyne – but-1-yne and but-2-yne.
Each carbon atom of ethyne has two sp hybridised orbitals.
Thus ethyne molecule consists of one C–C ? bond, two C–H ? bonds and two C–C ? bonds.
On industrial scale, ethyne is prepared by treating calcium carbide with water.
They react with ethyne to form sodium acetylide with the liberation of dihydrogen gas.
These reactions have not been observed in case of ethene and ethane thus indicating that ethyne is acidic in nature in comparison to ethene and ethane.
Why is it so ? Has it something to do with their structures and the hybridisation ? You have read that hydrogen atoms in ethyne are attached to the sp hybridised carbon atoms whereas they are attached to sp2 hybridised carbon atoms in ethene and sp3 hybridised carbons in ethane.
Due to the maximum percentage of s character (50%), the sp hybridised orbitals of carbon atoms in ethyne molecules have highest electronegativity; hence, these attract the shared electron pair of the C-H bond of ethyne to a greater extent than that of the sp2 hybridised orbitals of carbon in ethene and the sp3 hybridised orbital of carbon in ethane.
Hence, hydrogen atoms of ethyne attached to triply bonded carbon atom are acidic in nature.
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