aupaniveshik example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest औपनिवेशिक aupaniveshik news and headlines :
1. आईसीसी के औपनिवेशिक सुधारों पर बरसे इमरान LiveHindustanUsage and Example of aupaniveshik 1. जीवन के हर मोचेर् पर जनता का औपनिवेशिक शासकों के साथ टकराव होने लगा। 2. स्कूली किताबों में फ़्रांसीसियों का गुणगान किया जाता था और औपनिवेशिक शासन को सही ठहराया जाता था। 3. इन घटनाओं से ¯चतित औपनिवेशिक सरकार कांग्रेसी नेताओं को गिरÝ़तार करने लगी। 4. औपनिवेशिक युग की पराकाष्ठा के दौर में भी नहीं। 5. यह उन भाषाओं की सभ्यता है जिसकी जड़ें इतनी गहरी है कि उन्हें सदियों की औपनिवेशिक गुलामी भी नहीं हिला पाई। 1. Insofar Bonaparte took care of colonial questions, he showed himself a man of the Old Regime 2. International exhibition, universal, colonial 3. It is a simple "superstructure" of colonial type, which hardly affects the indigenous reality 4. It is traditional to distinguish two chronologically French colonial empires 5. Its disappearance coincides with the beginning of the Spanish decline, before the power of the new maritime and colonial nations, England and Holland, and the recovery from the French Wars of Religion

Given are the examples of hindi word aupaniveshik usage in english sentences. The examples of aupaniveshik are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., colonial.

The practice of surveying also became common under the colonial administration.

Coffee estates and colonial bungalows stand tucked under tree canopies in prime corners.
When it became clear that the colonial authorities were prejudiced in favour of their white compatriots, the Parsis built their own gymkhana to play cricket in.
The colonial government in India usually refused such protection to local industries.
When the colonial government prevented people from entering the reserved forests, how could the iron smelters find wood for charcoal? Where could they get iron ore? Defying forest laws, they often entered the forests secretly and collected wood, but they could not sustain their occupation on this basis for long.
By 1919 the colonial government was buying 90 per cent of the steel manufactured by TISCO.
Struggling to retain its control over India, the British government had to concede many of these demands in the last decades of colonial rule.
The colonial state in India, keen to expand the market for British goods, was unwilling to support Indian industrialists.
In India colonial domination created barriers to industrialisation.
The colonial masters assumed that only they could play the game as it ought to be played, in its true spirit.
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