aupanyaasik example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of aupanyaasik 1. ‘ए हाउस फॉर मिस्टर विश्वास’ में वह पहले ही अपने पत्रकार लेखक पिता की यातना लिख कर औपन्यासिक दुनिया में अपना प्रताप दिखा चुके थे। 1. Dominique is an idealist novel 2. Each time, it is a misleading objective - that of Western culture in the first book, the detective novel in the second - which is faulted 3. Ferré also tried the novel (Benedict Misery, 1970) and the "big" music (in particular, an oratorio he wrote and recorded himself on the text of Apollinaire, The Song of the unloved) 4. Finally Rites of Passage (1980), Close Quarters (1987) and Fire Down Below (1989) form To the Ends of the Earth: A Sea Trilogy both novel of education and prose epic 5. GENLIS (Countess) GENLIS STÉPHANIE OF SAINT-AUBIN CREST Countess (1746-1830) His memoirs are often cited, but little is known about the extensive dramatic production, and educational novel of Mrs

Given are the examples of hindi word aupanyaasik usage in english sentences. The examples of aupanyaasik are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., novelistic.

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