kadak example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
4. हरलेक्वीन बेबी की त्वचा जन्म के साथ ही कड़क होती है bhaskar.com5. सागर. मौसम के तेवर मंगलवार छठवें दिन भी बेहद कड़क रहे bhaskar.com6. आधी रात को बिजली कड़की, शहर में घुप अंधेरा..... - आधी रात को बिजली की कड़क और आंधी के साथ बारिश शुरू हुई bhaskar.com7. कड़क धूप में यातायात संभाल रहे ट्रैफिक सिपाही को डीजीपी जावीद अहमद ने अपना छाता गिफ्ट कर दियाamarujala.com8. वूमैन अकादमी में हुई परेड.... -सधे हुए कदमों के साथ परेड और कड़क सैल्यूट, इन महिलाओं को देखकर यह अंदाजा लगाना मुश्किल है कि तीन महीने पहले ये केवल घरों और कालेज में पढ़ाने तक ही सीमित थीं bhaskar.com9. भभुआ. बिहार के भभुआ में तैनात IPS अधिकारी हरप्रीत कौर को लोग कड़क पुलिस ऑफिसर के रूप में जानते हैं bhaskar.comUsage and Example of kadak 1. आसिफ ने आंखें मूंदी, ‘‘ देखो, सिर में दर्द हो रहा है, हो सके तो कड़क चाय पिलाओ! 2. लेकिन वैसी ही पीली और ठंड से सिकुड़ी हुई जैसी कड़क सर्दियों में रांची के लॉन में दिखा करती थी। 3. कड़क सर्दी में ठिठुरत बानी। 4. उसके बाद हमारे कड़क भाई साब हमारी कस के कुटाई करते। 5. आवाज कड़क थी, लेकिन कुछ तोतलापन था। 1. In the most severe cases, kidney damage is confirmed by albuminuria 2. In the most severe cases, the lesions appear on the plant, which sometimes makes a diagnosis 3. Indeed, in such environments, living beings who are confined there were subjected to competition less varied, less severe than in more 'open' environments, more generalized, where the vital competition is more actively 4. It is understood that before these relatively severe conditions, the proportion of patients who could benefit from this treatment among all holders of gallbladder stones, is relatively low 5. its homology) imposes severe constraints on the overall structure of C (number of cusps, etc
ndividuals with profound and severe retardation are incapable of managing life and need constant care for their entire lives.
If people sell medicines that have expired severe action can be taken against them.
However, the Public Distribution System has faced severe criticism on several grounds.
When we focus our attention on the effects of the natural environment on human beings, we find a variety of environmental influences, ranging from physical effects such as a change of clothing in response to climate changes to severe psychological effects such as serious depression after a natural disaster.
However, wars and epidemics are human-made events, although their effects can also be as severe as those of natural disasters.
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a severe psychological problem that results from traumatic events such as natural disasters.
Surprisingly, very often, in the midst of severe emotional reactions to stress, some survivors may actually help in the healing processes.
But these chemicals are severe nerve toxins and hence more harmful to humans.
Did you try to observe how these seeds were clinging to your clothes? What do you think will happen if all seeds of a plant were to fall at the same place and grow there? There would be severe competition for sunlight, water, minerals and space.Latest कड़क kadak news and headlines :
1. मोदी बोले- मैं कड़क चाय बनाता था, आज कड़क निर्णय लिया तो अमीर हिल गएlivehindustan.com2. बॉलीवुड में लगभग 250 फिल्मों में अभिनय का जौहर दिखाने वाले अमरीश पुरी ने अपनी कड़क आवाज, रौबदार भाव भंगिमाओं और दमदार एक्टिंग के बल पर खलनायकी को एक नई पहचान दी थीlivehindustan.com3. HAPPY B'DAY: फेमस है कड़क आवाज, रौबदार भाव, 'मौगेम्बो' की हंसीlivehindustan.comGiven are the examples of hindi word kadak usage in english sentences. The examples of kadak are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., severe, crack.
The different levels of retardation are: mild retardation ( Qs 55 69), moderate retardation ( Qs 40 54), severe retardation ( Qs 25 39), and profound retardation ( Qs below 25).
ndividuals with profound and severe retardation are incapable of managing life and need constant care for their entire lives.
If people sell medicines that have expired severe action can be taken against them.
However, the Public Distribution System has faced severe criticism on several grounds.
When we focus our attention on the effects of the natural environment on human beings, we find a variety of environmental influences, ranging from physical effects such as a change of clothing in response to climate changes to severe psychological effects such as serious depression after a natural disaster.
However, wars and epidemics are human-made events, although their effects can also be as severe as those of natural disasters.
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a severe psychological problem that results from traumatic events such as natural disasters.
Surprisingly, very often, in the midst of severe emotional reactions to stress, some survivors may actually help in the healing processes.
But these chemicals are severe nerve toxins and hence more harmful to humans.
संबंधित शब्द कड़क के पर्यायवाची कड़क के विपरीत शब्द