kamazor example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest कमज़ोर kamazor news and headlines :
1. सलमान हैदर का परिवार गरीब तो है ही साथ ही सभी लोग शारीरिक रूप से कमज़ोर भी हैंibnlive.com2. आज आपको लिए चलते हैं एक ऐसे गांव में जहां आधी से ज्यादा आबादी शारीरिक रूप से कमज़ोर हैibnlive.com3. सुकृता से मुलाक़ात पिछले दिनों दिल्ली में होने वाले जश्न-ए-रेख़्ता में हुई थी, वो बता रही थीं कि पापा बहुत कमज़ोर हो गए हैं, आप सब लोगों को और अपनी... bhaskar.com
4. सलमान हैदर का परिवार गरीब तो है ही साथ ही सभी लोग शारीरिक रूप से कमज़ोर भी हैंibnlive.com5. इससे लालू के राष्ट्रीय जनता दल का वोट बैंक और कमज़ोर हुआibnlive.com6. इनमें कमज़ोर ग्रहों को बलवान बनाने की क्षमता होती है जिससे असंभव को भी संभव करने में भी राशि रत्न कारगर होते jagran.com7. आज आपको लिए चलते हैं एक ऐसे गांव में जहां आधी से ज्यादा आबादी शारीरिक रूप से कमज़ोर हैibnlive.comUsage and Example of kamazor 1. खुदगर्ज़ और कमज़ोर राजनेताओं ने एक धरती को हजारों टुकड़ों में बांट डाला है लेकिन उनके बांटने से धरती हजारों नहीं बन गई हैं। 2. औरत प्राकृतिक और शारीरिक शक्ति के अनुसार कमज़ोर है। 3. राजनीतिक संपादकों और राजनीतिक पत्रकारिता ने ही हिन्दी पत्रकारिता की ताकत कमज़ोर कर दी है। 4. उसे एक ओर गति की ज़रूरत है और दूसरी ओर सामाजिक कल्याण, कमज़ोर तबकों की सुरक्षा, बेहतर गवर्नेंस और कुशलता की। 5. पास की निगाह कमज़ोर क्यों होती। 1. The wooden and stone elements, used for fragile or bearing parts, often have been removed, resulting in the destruction of many inputs and the collapse of domes 2. Then comes the linguist fragile speaker as possessed by his "love language" to use the term J 3. This brilliant reconstruction, which stifles any initiative other than the king, is thus fragile 4. This extended product policy particularly spectacular results with lower inflation, but remain fragile and dependent on the international situation 5. This former France was a dearly bought balance, however fragile and real between the state and the nation

Given are the examples of hindi word kamazor usage in english sentences. The examples of kamazor are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., fragile, lame, poor, delicate, dim, effete, unretentive, enfeebled, softy, softie, the weak, washed out, weak at the knees, tenuous, doormat.

Now those fellows out there will have the right to say to you, How is it; you pretend to be Frenchmen, and yet you can neither speak nor write your own language? But you are not the worst, poor little Franz.

It seemed almost as if the poor man wanted to give us all he knew before going away, and to put it all into our heads at one stroke.
How it must have broken his heart to leave it all, poor man; to hear his sister moving about in the room above, packing their trunks! For they must leave the country next day.
From these we will not be able to understand how history was experienced and lived by the tribals and the peasants, the workers in the mines or the poor on the streets.
There are many aspects of unequal situations in a market and poor enforcement of rules and regulations.
Some important reasons for absenteeism are bad working conditions, inadequate rewards, lack of recognition, poor relations with supervisors and colleagues etc.
Some people say that elections are a burden on our people, that our poor country cannot afford to hold elections once every five years.
For example in the United States of America, poor people, African Americans and Hispanics vote much less than the rich and the white people.
The poor households are more vulnerable to food insecurity whenever there is a problem of production or distribution of food crops.
The SCs, STs and some sections of the OBCs (lower castes among them) who have either poor land-base or very low land productivity are prone to food insecurity.
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