karacha example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. It fell apart in twenty years under the weight of international competition, which has exposed delays of British industry, but also because of choices made by the Thatcher government 2. Now it is clear that, apart from the works of Brailoiu, few French books have opened new avenues for research 3. Products mainly in Athens in the sixth and fifth centuries BC, they are a class apart in all Greek images; modest creations, due to artisans who do not often sign their works, they travel in a private space, common objects of domestic life 4. Soyuz-7 and Soyuz-8 followed a day apart each 5. That's when the music takes the thoughtful and speculative aspect which puts quite apart from the mass of ancient civilizations

Given are the examples of hindi word karacha usage in english sentences. The examples of karacha are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., apart, to bits, asunder.

50, while siblings reared apart correlate about 0.

In both the developed and developing countries, apart from the private capitalist sector, there is the institution of State.
The state, in many instances, undertakes production apart from imposing taxes and spending money on building public infrastructure, running schools, colleges, providing health services etc.
The ball must be between five and six ounces, and the two sets of stumps 22 yards apart .
The ball must be between 5 and 6 ounces, and the two sets of stumps 22 yards apart .
The U radiations split apart molecular oxygen into free oxygen (O) atoms.
Industries, apart from being heavy users of water, also require power to run them.
If you get a job in a far off place, before accepting it you would try to consider many factors, apart from income, such as facilities for your family, working atmosphere, or opportunity to learn.
In a mixed economy, apart from the private sector, there is the government which plays a very important role.
The overall level of employment and prices in the economy depends upon the level of aggregate demand which is a function of the spending decisions of millions of private economic agents apart from the government.
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