karaabata example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
These include guidelines for organisation restructuring, market creation, technology leveraging and business up-scaling.
Like any other business enterprise profits are important for the survival and growth of HCL as an enterprise.
There are certain terms which require elaboration.
There is a kind of cost-benefit analysis involved and the relationship between inputs and outputs.Transliterated examples :
1. But there are drawbacks: the company does not, as has been said, an autonomous legal existence in relation to the contractor 2. Especially interesting is the search of the female specificity in relation to language, to "another logic" of this "talking woman" which many women writers evidenced by their works 3. Every culture defines itself in relation to nature, every culture uses a grid that integrates code, and the gods, men, animals and things 4. Examples (3) to (5) show how an equivalence relation defines new mathematical objects 5. His successors will be located in relation to this paradoxical position: Claus Werwe (Sluter's nephew), Jean de la Huerta, Antoine Le MoiturierGiven are the examples of hindi word karaabata usage in english sentences. The examples of karaabata are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., relation, relationship, connection, relation, kinship, affiliation, affinity, terms, application, bridge, tie, business, relations, concern, association, touch, regard, colligation, relation, assoc.
HCL s business today spans IT hardware manufacturing and distribution, system integration, technology and software services, business process outsourcing, and infrastructure management.
These include guidelines for organisation restructuring, market creation, technology leveraging and business up-scaling.
Like any other business enterprise profits are important for the survival and growth of HCL as an enterprise.
There are certain terms which require elaboration.
These two terms are different but they are interrelated.
At times, a business may con-centrate more on producing goods with fewer resources i.
Management translates this work in terms of goals to be achieved and assigns the means to achieve it.
This is done in terms of problems to be solved, decisions to be made, plans to be established, budgets to be prepared, responsibilities to be assigned and authority to be delegated.
S urvival: The basic objectives of any business is survival.
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