kashtadaayak example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest कष्टदायक kashtadaayak news and headlines :
1. दांपत्य जीवन में यौन संबंधों का अपना महत्व है लेकिन जब ये प्रक्रिया कष्टदायक हो जाए तो नजरंदाज न करेंamarujala.com2. इसलिए आदत छोड़ना कष्टदायक हो जाता है, लेकिन इस आदत को बनाए रखने में भी कोई खुशी नहीं मिलती bhaskar.comUsage and Example of kashtadaayak 1. दोपहर को उसने सोचा गरमी ही सबसे कष्टदायक है। 2. ● रास्ते में पड़ी कष्टदायक चीज़ें हटा देना इबादत है। 3. दोपहर को उसने सोचा गरमी ही सबसे कष्टदायक है। 4. उनके चेहरे पर लंबी यात्रा की थकान दिख रही थी, फिर भी उन्होंने हमें महसूस नहीं होने दिया कि यहाँ बैठना उनके लिए बेहद कष्टदायक है। 5. नाड़ीरोग में कुछ रोगियों को बहुत मामूली सी तकलीफ होती है तो कई बार लक्षण इतने प्रचण्ड और कष्टदायक होते हैं कि जीवन अपाहिज। 1. The competent authority can obviously be tempted to choose the least burdensome procedure, it matches or not its real purpose 2. Many other viruses and some bacteria, can give quite similar conditions but usually less severe 3. Progress in the field of burrowing machines, excavators and others have continued to make them faster and more severe the damage caused to the basement 4. Shortly after his birth, his parents entrusted him to his paternal grandfather and go to study in Germany, Lithuania under the Tsarist regime practicing in its universities, a severe supply restrictions against Jews 5. So did Richard Strauss (the end of the Sinfonia domestica) and all those who, from the early twentieth century were attracted by the charms of severe fugue

Given are the examples of hindi word kashtadaayak usage in english sentences. The examples of kashtadaayak are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., vicious, awkward.

In some cases this can start a vicious circle of decreasing confidence, leading to more serious emotional problems.

In contrast, a vicious cycle may be created by disadvantaged parents who, themselves uneducated and lacking in hygiene, keep their children in a similarly disadvantaged state.
“Why not organise yourselves into a cooperative?” I ask a group of young men who have fallen into the vicious circle of middlemen who trapped their fathers and forefathers.
Listening to them, I see two distinct worlds — one of the family, caught in a web of poverty, burdened by the stigma of caste in which they are born; the other a vicious circle of the sahukars, the middlemen, the policemen, the keepers of law, the bureaucrats and the politicians.
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