kaaragar example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
5. ये योगासन आयुर्वेदिक दवाओं से भी ज्यादा कारगर हैamarujala.comUsage and Example of kaaragar 1. वह राज्य की ताक़त को ज़्यादा कारगर और मज़बूत बना सकता था। 2. छींग राजवंश के हाथ से राजनीतिक नियंत्रण जाता रहा, वह कारगर सुधार करने में असफल रहा और देश गृहयुद्ध की लपटों में आ गया। 3. इन दोनों का मेल बहुत कारगर साबित हुआ। 4. -जुकाम में भी खूब कारगर है हींग का उपयोग। 5. इलाज कितना कारगर होगा, वह बच पाएगा या नहीं इसी अनिश्चितता में लगातार भावनात्मक ऊहा-पोह की स्थिति में रहता है। 1. With concomitant, effective (cit 2. Assisted by sub-prefects in the districts, and partly by the mayors in the municipalities, they are effective keystone of a centralizing State of the Empire refine and systematize the institutions 3. He consoles himself by the only effective opium: writing 4. However, small areas facilitate consultation and the effective participation of citizens in collective responsibility 5. In fact, HF discharges are more effective than BF or continuous discharges since E ? is lower
Being effective or doing work effectively basically means finishing the given task.
For management, it is important to be both effective and efficient.
For example, it is easier to be effective and ignore efficiency i.
In this case, the manager was effective but not so efficient, since for the same output, more inputs (labour cost, electricity costs) were used.
This is a case of being efficient but not effective since the goods did not reach the market.
But undue emphasis on high efficiency without being effective is also not desirable.
The task of management is to make people work towards achieving the organisation s goals, by making their strengths effective and their weaknesses irrelevant.
In any organisation there are different objectives and management has to achieve all objectives in an effective and efficient manner.
Therefore, if an organisation has a good management team that is efficient and effective it automatically serves society by providing good quality products at reasonable prices.
संबंधित शब्द कारगर के पर्यायवाची कारगर के विपरीत शब्द
Latest कारगर kaaragar news and headlines :
1. चेहरा और दांत को चमकाने में कारगर है अंडे का छिलका, जानिए तरीकाlivehindustan.com2. दीपावली पर तंत्र साधना के अलावा किए गए अन्य उपाय भी बेहद कारगर होते हैंlivehindustan.com3. सफेद बालों को काला करना है तो ये 8 घरेलू उपाय हैं कारगर amarujala.com4. नारियल का तेल छूमंतर कर देगा तनाव, केला भी है कारगर amarujala.comGiven are the examples of hindi word kaaragar usage in english sentences. The examples of kaaragar are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., effective, workmanlike, operative, operant.
Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Management is defined as t he process of planning, organising, actuating and controlling an organisation s operations in order to achieve coordination of the human and material resources essential in the effective and efficient attainment of objectives.
Being effective or doing work effectively basically means finishing the given task.
For management, it is important to be both effective and efficient.
For example, it is easier to be effective and ignore efficiency i.
In this case, the manager was effective but not so efficient, since for the same output, more inputs (labour cost, electricity costs) were used.
This is a case of being efficient but not effective since the goods did not reach the market.
But undue emphasis on high efficiency without being effective is also not desirable.
The task of management is to make people work towards achieving the organisation s goals, by making their strengths effective and their weaknesses irrelevant.
In any organisation there are different objectives and management has to achieve all objectives in an effective and efficient manner.
Therefore, if an organisation has a good management team that is efficient and effective it automatically serves society by providing good quality products at reasonable prices.
संबंधित शब्द कारगर के पर्यायवाची कारगर के विपरीत शब्द