kaaraaga?ha example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest कारागृह kaaraaga?ha news and headlines :
1. नागपुर. मध्यवर्ती कारागृह से भागे पांच कैदियों में से पुलिस ने करीब एक वर्ष बाद पांचवे कैदी को गिरफ्तार कर लिया है bhaskar.com2. अजमेर के घूघरा घाटी स्थित उच्च सुरक्षा कारागृह से कुख्यात फरार बदमाश आनंदपाल गिरोह के मंजीत सिंह, दातार सिंह, संजय पाण्डेय, मनोज, विक्रम व भवानी सिंह को शनिवार को बीकानेर न्यायालय में पेशी पर कड़ी सुरक्षा के... bhaskar.comUsage and Example of kaaraaga?ha 1. ¯कतु बाद में यह उसी समाज व्यवस्था और मानव-मन के लिए कारागृह बन गई। 2. यह भी हो सकता है कि तुम खुले आकाश के नीचे हो सर्वथा बंधनहीन, सर्वथा मुक्‍त; लेकिन न हो कि कारागृह में ही हो। 3. सम्राट की बड़ी शोभायात्रा थी उस आदमी को तत्काल सैनिकों ने पकड़ लिया और कारागृह में डाल दिया। 4. कल्‍पना करो कि तुम कारागृह में हो और उसके बाहर निकलने का कोई उपाय नहीं है। 5. लेकिन तुम्‍हारी प्रेमिका उस कारागृह में पहूंच जाये तो वह कारागृह तत्‍क्षण खो जायेगा। 1. What is found in the umuriango? Three or four generations living together in a pen 2. When he regained his pen after a quarter century of silence, he also wrote a lively music than before, extending into the late twentieth century Expressionist movement which should have been one of the main representatives

Given are the examples of hindi word kaaraaga?ha usage in english sentences. The examples of kaaraaga?ha are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., cage, penitentiary, pen.

If he comes back, and mind you, if he does you'll be lucky, pop him into the cage and keep him there.

They said he would soon get used to the cage and in a few days would quite forget he had ever been free.
“I've put you in the cage because I'm so fond of you.
” But the little bird stood in the corner of his cage looking out at the blue sky, and never sang a note.
“Perhaps he'll have got used to his cage by tomorrow,” she said.
He opened his eyes and saw that the bars of the cage were no longer around him.
“I shut you in a golden cage because I loved you and wanted to have you all to myself.
” The customer pointed suddenly to a suspended cage which contained two snowy birds.
He was holding the cage shoulderhigh, staring at his purchase.
Arriving at the zoo, Grandfather made straight for the particular cage in which Timothy had been interned.
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