kaartasvara example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. The gold trade relationship / silver gradually rose to more than 33/1, and the gold is appreciated quickly 2. The golden age of the American fantasy film (1931-1939) From 1931 to 1939, the United States is truly the age of gold of fantasy film 3. The inquartation is an operation which precedes the cupellation for testing of gold and of adding gold to three times its weight of silver 4. The inscriptions on orphico-Pythagorean gold slats, found in the tombs of the IV-III centuries describe the two roads that open before the soul 5. The law of August 7, 1926 adheres France to the gold exchange standard, in accordance with recommendations of the International Monetary Conference of Genoa (1922) - in fact, the standard sterling, since only the book is returned in convertible gold

Given are the examples of hindi word kaartasvara usage in english sentences. The examples of kaartasvara are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., repose, sleep, slumber, drift off, kip, gold, drop off, harebell.

They sold textiles and spices in these ports and, in exchange, brought gold and ivory from Africa; and spices, tin, Chinese blue pottery and silver from Southeast Asia and China.

The textiles of Surat were famous for their gold lace borders (zari) and had a market in West Asia, Africa and Europe.
The question he tried to answer was simple: What is the purpose of the twelve tiny gold spots on a monarch pupa? Everyone assumed the spots were just ornamental, Ebright said.
He grew cells from a monarch s wing in a culture and showed that the cells would divide and develop into normal butterfly wing scales only if they were fed the hormone from the gold spots.
The following summer, after his freshman year at Harvard University, Ebright went back to the laboratory of the Department of Agriculture and did more work on the hormone from the gold spots.
However, during the days when he is unable to get some work, he and his family really face difficulties and sometimes his small kids have to sleep without food.
The jingling thud of his bamboo woke us up from sleep and we ran to meet and greet him.
The brilliance and skill of players like the great Dhyan Chand brought India a string of Olympic gold medals.
Between 1928 and 1956, India won gold medals in six consecutive Olympic Games.
The two other gold medals for India came in the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and the 1980 Moscow Olympics.
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