kurabaanee example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Usage and Example of kurabaanee 1. ऐसी क्रूर क्रिया में गहराई से 'कुरबानी' की भावना कैसे महसूस करेगा? 2. उसमें 'कुरबानी' की स्पिरिट कहाँ से आएगी? 3. खुद की कुरबानी दे जाती। 4. यहां इसी तरह की एक मिसाल दी जाती है, जिससे अन्दाज़ा होगा कि कुरबानी का मतलब क्या है ? 5. उपरोक्त नौजवानों ने अपनी कुरबानी का प्रतीकात्मक प्रदर्शन 25 हज़ार पैसों से किया। 1. The unity of the sacrifice The sacrifice of the Church is offered with that of Christ, or better incorporated into it 2. This implies that between the sacrifice of the Cross, sacramentally represented and available, and the sacrifice of their lives offered by the faithful there is a property homogeneity 3. This sacrifice is an offering made to God and search for communion, and death is part of the return to the Father accomplished by the resurrection and entrance into glory 4. Thus the Eucharist is it fundamentally sacrifice is to say that the faithful are offering themselves to the Father through Christ in the Spirit 5. Unknown sculptors that these works are due already obeyed a classical ideal in that they subordinated to all the details and they knew what sacrifice they did not seem essential
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