krrish example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
4. कृष ने छुआ आसमान LiveHindustanUsage and Example of krrish 1. राकेश रोशन ने कहा कि एक अभिनेता के नाते उसने काम किया है, वैसे ही, जैसे उसने कृष में लम्बी-लम्बी छलांगें लगायी थीं। 2. कृष के बड़े भाई पार्थ शांघवी ने फरवरी 2010 में गोवा में यह करार्ड अपने नाम किया था । 3. इस बारे में राकेश रोशन ने बताया, 'पहली बार ऐसा हो रहा है कि कृष के कैरक्टर जितना ही विवेक ओबेरॉय का कैरक्टर 'काल' पावरफुल होगा। 4. अब फिल्म में आपको कृष का गाना और डांस नहीं दिखाई देगा। 5. लेकिन हां कृष और काल में रोमांचक फाइट देखने को मिलेगी।
Indian textiles had long been renowned both for their fine quality and exquisite craftsmanship.
From the 1680s there started a craze for printed Indian cotton textiles in England and Europe mainly for their exquisite floral designs, fine texture and relative cheapness.
Now class, you may file around the room quietly and look at her exquisite drawings.
The Nayanars and Alvars went from place to place composing exquisite poems in praise of the deities enshrined in the villages they visited, and set them to music.
संबंधित शब्द कृष के विपरीत शब्द
Latest कृष krrish news and headlines :
1. देवठी स्कूल में कृष को चुना स्कूल कैप्टन, विनीत स्पोर्ट्स के कैप्टन bhaskar.com2. क्वीन ने कृष पर लगाए संगीन आरोप, ऋतिक पर आई ये मुसीबत! ibnlive.com3. बच्चों को कृष का तोहफा LiveHindustanGiven are the examples of hindi word krrish usage in english sentences. The examples of krrish are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., extra ordinarily fine or admirable, exquisite, of special beauty or charm, of rare and appealing excellence.
Some distance away at Svamimalai, the sthapatis or sculptors are making exquisite bronze idols and tall, ornamental bell metal lamps.
Indian textiles had long been renowned both for their fine quality and exquisite craftsmanship.
From the 1680s there started a craze for printed Indian cotton textiles in England and Europe mainly for their exquisite floral designs, fine texture and relative cheapness.
Now class, you may file around the room quietly and look at her exquisite drawings.
The Nayanars and Alvars went from place to place composing exquisite poems in praise of the deities enshrined in the villages they visited, and set them to music.
संबंधित शब्द कृष के विपरीत शब्द