kokata example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. The state of symbiosis with the maternal organism, the fetus passes in a few moments in a state of complete autonomy, while during intrauterine life, he received food and oxygen through the umbilical vessels 2. 'their top-hose while falling, and their stomachs scruffy "(Molière) 3. ) their top-hose (sic) while falling, and scruffy stomachs

Given are the examples of hindi word kokata usage in english sentences. The examples of kokata are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., murky, sleaze, evil, sordid, messy, dirty, waste, turbid, into a state, dingy, nasty, mess, bastard, dusty, shop soiled, smutch, unclean, in a state, tip, snotty nosed, mucky, filthy, stinking, seedy, shopworn, black, pig, scruffy, grubby.

Gradually people encouraged animals like sheep, goat, cow and pig to come near the camps where they lived.धीरे-धीरे लोग भेड़, बकरी, गाय और सूअर जैसे जानवरों को अपने घरों के नज़दीक आने को उत्साहित करने लगे|

Not till then, when I had got a little over my fright, did I see that our teacher had on his beautiful green coat, his frilled shirt, and the little black silk cap, all embroidered, that he never wore except on inspection and prize days.
Rampant food shortages, hoarding, black marketing, adulteration of food and edible oil gave birth to the consumer movement in an organised form in the 1960s.
Crafts and commerce underwent major changes as merchants and artisans (such as weavers) were moved into the Black Towns established by the European companies within these new cities.
Parties and candidates often use dirty tricks to win elections.
The telescopic lens of the T camera zoomed in to the tip of the mechanical hand.
Pulses like gram (chana), pea (matar), black gram (urad), green gram (moong), pigeon pea (arhar), lentil (masoor), provide us with protein.
Paddy, soyabean, pigeon pea, maize, cotton, green gram and black gram are kharif crops, whereas wheat, gram, peas, mustard, linseed are rabi crops.
In using manure we use biological waste material, which is advantageous in protecting our environment from excessive use of fertilizers.
Using biological waste material is also a way of recycling farm waste.
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