kautoohalapoorn example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. The lack of space, business expansion up difficulties in the urban core, the speculative increase in land prices and housing starts boosted 2. The money available during the recovery and oil revenues from the North Sea and privatization were used to finance household consumption and boom, largely speculative real estate 3. Therefore speculative philosophy can not achieve true understanding of reality 4. These are the English masons who introduced in France speculative Freemasonry; the Grand Lodge of France, founded in 1728 and revived in 1735, was a reflection of home for many encyclopedists 5. Thus, on organized markets, the futures of financial instruments used to take speculative positions do immobilizing a small amount of cash in the form of deposits

Given are the examples of hindi word kautoohalapoorn usage in english sentences. The examples of kautoohalapoorn are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., speculative.

Business enterprises constantly face two types of risk: speculative and pure.

Another reason for the demand for foreign exchange is for speculative purposes.
This might amount to an even larger devaluation than would have been required before the speculative 'attack' on the domestic currency began.
2 The Speculative Motive An individual may hold her wealth in the form of landed property, bullion, bonds, money etc.
Thus speculations regarding future movements in interest rate and bond prices give rise to the speculative demand for money.
Thus they convert their bonds into money giving rise to a high speculative demand for money.
Hence speculative demand for money is inversely related to the rate of interest.
The speculative money demand function is infinitely elastic here.
Everyone puts whatever wealth they acquire in the form of money and the speculative demand for money is infinite.
Total demand for money in an economy is, therefore, composed of transaction demand and speculative demand.
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