kaulona example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. In May 1756, war broke out again 2. In most of the countries neighboring France, soon after the war (sometimes before), two types of conduct are observed 3. In order to enlarge his field, he made war on the Welsh and conquered the kingdom of Elmet 4. In return, the inhabitants had to undergo requisitions, war contributions and artworks kidnapping; which caused riots 5. It was also the time of the English revolution, a civil war between the king and the British Parliament

Given are the examples of hindi word kaulona usage in english sentences. The examples of kaulona are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., war, warfare, war/battle, combat, fight, exception, aspersions, invective, salvo, private parts, private organs.

ariability is a fact of nature, and individuals are no exception to this.

But it is considered risky and so, with the exception of a few business, the prescribed ratio is limited to 2: This, ratio is also termed as Leverage Ratio .
Increasing the incomes of people working in agriculture is therefore necessary to combat the problem of hunger.
The first major spurt in the development of cotton factory production in India, therefore, was during the First World War when textile imports from Britain declined and Indian factories were called upon to produce cloth for military supplies.
Steel produced in Britain now had to meet the demands of war in Europe.
As the war dragged on for several years, TISCO had to produce shells and carriage wheels for the war.
This happened during the First World War and after.
The pan-West Indian team that represents the Caribbean region in international Test cricket is the only exception to a series of unsuccessful efforts to bring about West Indian unification.
It is a tale of two lovers belonging to two hostile families who are separated by the war and finally reunited.
Prior to World War , many naturally occurring chemicals such as nicotine (by planting tobacco plants in the crop field), were used as pest controlling substance for major crops in agricultural practices.
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