kramavaar example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
4. क्रमवार भूख हड़ताल के दौरान शुक्रवार को लक्की वर्मा, योगेश वर्मा, राकेश काजला, मोहित वर्मा ने भूख हड़ताल की bhaskar.com5. मई माह से शुरू होगा क्रमवार सम्मेलनों का दौर शिवराजद्रुपद| अमृतसर दक्षिणएशिया में आतंकवाद को लेकर चिंतित सार्क देश अब इसकी तह तलाशने में जुट गए हैं और इस पर मई महीने से सम्मेलनों के जरिए काम शुरू कर दिया जाएगा bhaskar.comUsage and Example of kramavaar 1. ‘सामाजिक संरचना’ शब्द इस तथ्य को दशार्ता है कि समाज संरचनात्मक है अर्थात अपने विशिष्ट रूप में वह क्रमवार तथा नियमित है। 2. महाभारत के बाद से आधुनिक काल तक के सभी राजाओं का विवरण क्रमवार तरीके से नीचे प्रस्तुत किया जा रहा है.! 3. मैंने पहले प्रो. मोहन सिंह के जीवन के बारे में बहुत कुछ बताया और फिर क्रमवार प्रो.मोहन सिंह के काव्य-संग्रहों की सूची ज़बानी बता दी। 4. महाभारत के बाद से आधुनिक काल तक के सभी राजाओं का विवरण क्रमवार तरीके से नीचे प्रस्तुत किया जा रहा है.! 5. उदाहरण स्वरूप स्फटीक की रचना के बारे में ही सोचिए; वैज्ञानिक बताते हैं कि संसार में शायद ही कोई वस्तु हो जो स्फटीक के समान क्रमवार रीति से बनती हो। 1. It determines the city as a unit, ordered according to the geometric proportionality of a multiplicity 2. It is not enough that the plan is consistent and ordered to construct an image: it is also necessary that the third visual dimension (z) is itself ordered 3. Its activity was multiple, since he was an architect, he gave models painters, sculptors, weavers and ordered the parties of the court 4. Most of his work will be ordered by the department of Historical Monuments 5. Sesquioxide exists under the two allotropes: the ? rhombohedral is the natural form; the quadratic form prepared by oxidation of the magnetite has an ordered structure derived from spinel
He had not proceeded far when the police superintendent's messenger overtook him and ordered him to return to town in his carriage.
Several days later, Gandhi received a written communication from the magistrate informing him that the Lieutenant-Governor of the province had ordered the case to be dropped.
It means that no person can be killed unless the court has ordered a death sentence.
The elected governments that came to power ordered inquiries into Pinochet's rule.
The import order contains information about the price, quantity size, grade and quality of goods ordered and the instructions relating to packing, shipping, ports of shipment and destination, delivery schedule, insurance and mode of payment.
It has ordered the industries to switch to cleaner fuels like CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) and LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas).
tuples wherein each tuple is an ordered list of values corresponding to attributes of relation.
In an effort to reduce Mughal influence in Bengal he transferred all Mughal jagirdars to Orissa and ordered a major reassessment of the revenues of Bengal.
The Mughal emperor Jahangir looked upon them as a potential threat and he ordered the execution of Guru Arjan in 160 The Sikh movement began to get politicized in the seventeenth century, a development which culminated in the institution of the Khalsa by Guru Gobind Singh in 169 The community of the Sikhs, called the Khalsa Panth, became a political entity.
संबंधित शब्द
Latest क्रमवार kramavaar news and headlines :
1. वॉर्ड नंबर 66 और 67 में क्रमवार 1 करोड़ 47 लाख और 2.5 करोड़ की लागत के साथ शुरू हुए विकास कामों के लिए इलाके की संगत ने रणजीत सिंह बिट्टू घटोड़े, रणजीत सिंह ऊबी और उद्घाटन करने वाले सीनियर सिटीजंस का सिरोपे डाल कर सम्मान किया bhaskar.com2. 4-5 बार दिए नोटिस ऐसेमें इन्हें चेतावनी दी गई और अगले चरण में क्रमवार चार से पांच नोटिस भी निकाले गए जिसकी अनदेखी करने पर कड़ा रुख अख्तियार करते हुए सीवरेज कनेक्शन काट दिए गए bhaskar.com3. वहीं, एक्साइज ड्यूटी के विरोध में एसोसिएशन की तरफ से यहां कालेज रोड पर क्रमवार भूख हड़ताल के दूसरे दिन स्वराज वधवा, स्वर्ण सिंह, कुलदीप सिंह... bhaskar.comGiven are the examples of hindi word kramavaar usage in english sentences. The examples of kramavaar are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., ordered.
Amongst the pieces ordered in bulk were printed cotton cloths called chintz, cossaes (or khassa) and bandanna.
He had not proceeded far when the police superintendent's messenger overtook him and ordered him to return to town in his carriage.
Several days later, Gandhi received a written communication from the magistrate informing him that the Lieutenant-Governor of the province had ordered the case to be dropped.
It means that no person can be killed unless the court has ordered a death sentence.
The elected governments that came to power ordered inquiries into Pinochet's rule.
The import order contains information about the price, quantity size, grade and quality of goods ordered and the instructions relating to packing, shipping, ports of shipment and destination, delivery schedule, insurance and mode of payment.
It has ordered the industries to switch to cleaner fuels like CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) and LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas).
tuples wherein each tuple is an ordered list of values corresponding to attributes of relation.
In an effort to reduce Mughal influence in Bengal he transferred all Mughal jagirdars to Orissa and ordered a major reassessment of the revenues of Bengal.
The Mughal emperor Jahangir looked upon them as a potential threat and he ordered the execution of Guru Arjan in 160 The Sikh movement began to get politicized in the seventeenth century, a development which culminated in the institution of the Khalsa by Guru Gobind Singh in 169 The community of the Sikhs, called the Khalsa Panth, became a political entity.
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