kramaagat example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of kramaagat 1. हिंदू सृजन में नहीं, क्रमागत उन्नति में विश्वास रखते हैं ! 2. पृथ्वी का विकास. सृजन या क्रमागत उन्नति। 3. किसी दूर बैण्ड की दबी हुई क्रमागत तान-धुन,। 4. हिंदू समाज, धर्म तथा ज्ञान, क्रमागत उन्नति को विशेष महत्त्व देता है ! 5. हम मानते हैं कि क्रमागत उन्नति ही श्रृष्टि के सृजन का कारण है ! 1. Flaherty is not Ivens; his films - it should not be confused with traditional reports or documentaries - are not in the service of social struggle 2. Francization was accomplished, ethnocide consummated stalked traditional languages ??as dialects of arrears, plastered village life to the status of folk show for tourist consumption, etc 3. Gades also works at La Scala in Milan and the most varied traditional troops 4. He ended the traditional linking of settlements in the Navy 5. Here too are the difficulties in exports that determine the regression of traditional branches
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