kriyaasnkraa?ti example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
At a time when hardware was the name of the game, Nadar foresaw the huge potential in the area of IT education and learning from which NIIT was born.
For example, the goal of a retail store may be to increase sales, but the goal of The Spastics Society of India is to impart education to children with special needs.
Some of these have been set up with the specific purpose of providing management education such as the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) in India.
Several other aptitude tests have been developed in ndia for measuring scientific, scholastic, literary, clerical, and teaching aptitudes.Transliterated examples :
1. He founded and runs from 1933 to 1938, an education that also takes into the piano part 2. In 1519, in Leipzig, Eck opposed Carlstadt and Luther, education of the trial which he took part 3. It is also actively engaged in history of science and education issues on which he has published several important works 4. It is entrusted to nurses and the tutor, and he made his debut when his education was finished 5. It makes the rule in Latin and is not involved in elementary education (however it owes under the current organization: schools, normal schools, University)Given are the examples of hindi word kriyaasnkraa?ti usage in english sentences. The examples of kriyaasnkraa?ti are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., tutorial, tuition, education, teaching, instruction, lesson.
Religious teachers walked from village to village, town to town, stopping to offer instruction and advice on the way.धार्मिक गुरू लोगों को शिक्षा और सलाह देते हुए एक गाँव से दूसरे गाँव तथा एक कसबे से दूसरे कसबे जाया करते थे|
At a time when hardware was the name of the game, Nadar foresaw the huge potential in the area of IT education and learning from which NIIT was born.
For example, the goal of a retail store may be to increase sales, but the goal of The Spastics Society of India is to impart education to children with special needs.
Some of these have been set up with the specific purpose of providing management education such as the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) in India.
Thirdly, and most importantly, in a large number of situations society (or the State, or the people as a whole) had decided to pursue certain important social goals unselfishly (in areas like employment, administration, defence, education and health) for which some of the aggregate effects of the microeconomic decisions made by the individual economic agents needed to be modified.
In a developing country like India such choices have to be made to remove or reduce unemployment, to improve access to education and primary health care for all, to provide for good administration, to provide sufficiently for the defence of the country and so on.
However, she decided to opt out of the course at the end of one year as she found that the quality of teaching was not up to the mark.
Manager should adjust his communication according to the education and understanding levels of subordinates.
Or a place where they are chosen on the basis of education or knowledge.
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