kshaareey example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of kshaareey 1. अनेक स्थानों पर ये क्षारीय भी हैं। 2. शरीर पर पाचन के बाद क्षारीय असर छोड़ने वाले यानी Alkalising .। 3. प्राकृतिक रूप से रक्त का स्वभाव क्षारीय होता है। 4. भोजन में क्षारीय तत्वों का अधिक सेवन करता है ,वजन को कम और जोड़ों के दर्द को बेदम। 5. कैसे असर करती है काम करती है क्षारीय खुराक ?

Given are the examples of hindi word kshaareey usage in english sentences. The examples of kshaareey are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., alkaline.

The exocrine portion secretes an alkaline pancreatic juice containing enzymes and the endocrine portion secretes hormones, insulin and glucagon.

The mucus alongwith the bicarbonates from the pancreas protects the intestinal mucosa from acid as well as provide an alkaline medium (pH 8) for enzymatic activities.
It is a powerful reducing agent and reduces almost all metal oxides other than those of the alkali and alkaline earth metals, aluminium and a few transition metals.
Approximately, 28 per cent of it belongs to the category of forest degraded area, 56 per cent of it is water eroded area and the rest is affected by saline and alkaline deposits.
Soils in the drier areas are more alkaline and can be productive after proper treatment and irrigation.
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