kshudrabuddhi example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
A mental age of 5 means that a child s performance on an intelligence test equals the average performance level of a group of 5-year olds.
A bright child s MA is more than her/his CA; for a dull child, MA is below the CA.
Technologically advanced societies adopt child rearing practices that foster skills of generalisation and abstraction, speed, minimal moves, and mental manipulation among children.
For the last two years all our bad news had come from there the lost battles, the draft, the orders of the commanding officer and I thought to myself, without stopping, What can be the matter now? Then, as I hurried by as fast as I could go, the blacksmith, Wachter, who was there, with his apprentice, reading the bulletin, called after me, Don t go so fast, bub; you ll get to your school in plenty of time! I thought he was making fun of me, and reached M.Transliterated examples :
1. The child spent nine months of his life in a liquid medium, maintained on all sides by the amniotic pressure, without being subject to gravity 2. The child sucks "up" to join adults, specifically his father 3. The couple fixed in the US in 1933, when Erikson is invited to teaching and practice of child psychoanalysis in Boston 4. The danger would be to be blinded by the awkwardness and forget the child 5. The father was there, near the lamp; the mother was sewing; Instead of a grandfather remained empty; a child near the father, studying (Given are the examples of hindi word kshudrabuddhi usage in english sentences. The examples of kshudrabuddhi are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., wicked, rascal, jack, naughty, villainous, treacherous, nasty, varlet, bad, rapscallion, savage, black, scalawag, scallywag, evil, knave, devil, child, foolish, silly, turkey, witless, nitwitted, unintelligent, ill advised, soft witted, blind.
Das, Jack Naglieri, and Kirby (1994).
A mental age of 5 means that a child s performance on an intelligence test equals the average performance level of a group of 5-year olds.
A bright child s MA is more than her/his CA; for a dull child, MA is below the CA.
Technologically advanced societies adopt child rearing practices that foster skills of generalisation and abstraction, speed, minimal moves, and mental manipulation among children.
Not till then, when I had got a little over my fright, did I see that our teacher had on his beautiful green coat, his frilled shirt, and the little black silk cap, all embroidered, that he never wore except on inspection and prize days.
Hamel say to me, I won t scold you, little Franz; you must feel bad enough.
Rampant food shortages, hoarding, black marketing, adulteration of food and edible oil gave birth to the consumer movement in an organised form in the 1960s.
However, we do find bad quality products in the market because the supervision of these rules is weak and the consumer movement is also not strong enough.
Crafts and commerce underwent major changes as merchants and artisans (such as weavers) were moved into the Black Towns established by the European companies within these new cities.
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