khojakarta example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest खोजकर्ता khojakarta news and headlines :
1. भारत में भी खतरा, इबोला के खोजकर्ता ने किया आगाह LiveHindustan2. गॉड पार्टिकल के खोजकर्ता एंगलर्ट-हिग्स को मिला नोबेल LiveHindustan3. एयर एशिया: शवों की तलाश में फिर निकले खोजकर्ता LiveHindustan
Usage and Example of khojakarta 1. बहरहाल, ब्रिटिश खोजकर्ता कैप्टन कुक की किस्मत अच्छी थी।

Given are the examples of hindi word khojakarta usage in english sentences. The examples of khojakarta are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., discoverer.

Seaborg, the discoverer of this element, in recognition of the pioneering role of the great Russian Chemist who was the first to use the periodic system of elements to predict the chemical properties of undiscovered elements, a principle which has been the key to the discovery of nearly all the transuranium elements.

The naming of the new elements had been traditionally the privilege of the discoverer (or discoverers) and the suggested name was ratified by the IUPAC.
Michael Faraday, the legendary scientist and discoverer of electricity and electromagnetism, spent four years studying the properties of Indian Wootz (1818-22).
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