gndhoshneesha example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. A lion who copies a lion becomes a monkey 2. Fragments of architectural decoration (a makara head, a lion met in Pejeng) are all that remains of temples, probably analogous to those in Central Java 3. Frame is a lion goddess who assists him in his exploits 4. Oversupply and delicacy characterize the scrolls 'foliage', developed from the tail of a little lion or other animal sitting in profile, which decorate the doorposts of the central cella and flanks of eMetrics 5. Sed, bull with a human face; Nergal, human face lion Oustour The man Nattig at eagle head (VALÉRY, Variety III, 1936, p Armchairs readily use the simple scroll, as a console armrests instead of winged genius or other extraordinary monster (

Given are the examples of hindi word gndhoshneesha usage in english sentences. The examples of gndhoshneesha are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., lion.

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