gataiyaa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Hypertrophy of the larynx changes the timbre of the voice 2. Indeed, some encouraging results were obtained with these interferon preparations, which were not completely pure, on juvenile osteosarcomas and juvenile papillomas on the larynx 3. 128 And what fat! He believes that all women want and fell on his neck 4. All these ligaments around the neck describe a spiral path, particularly marked at the posterior ligament 5. But the threat of a return to traditional management rights tub aroused such that the union of the steel industry was able to launch a strike against "the iron collar" that we wanted to spend the neck of the workers

Given are the examples of hindi word gataiyaa usage in english sentences. The examples of gataiyaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., larynx, neck, throat, adams apple, voice box, maw, neck, neckline.

Well, said the Horse, there s a thing in the middle of your Desert with a long neck and long legs, and he hasn t done a stroke of work since Monday morning.

Similarly, the word bandanna now refers to any brightly coloured and printed scarf for the neck or head.
Ozone and nitric oxide irritate the nose and throat and their high concentration causes headache, chest pain, dryness of the throat, cough and difficulty in breathing.
Her father turned his head on his thick neck to look at her.
He would take them out for grazing during the day and talk to them as one talks to one's own children; at night he would bring them back to his little hut and put a string round the neck of each goat.
“How refreshing the breeze that blows through them! And how lovely to run across those green fields!” She ran towards the hills but had to stop with a jerk—the rope round her neck wouldn't let her go any further.
The Brahmans have hidden away the sword of their religion which has cut the throat of the peoples' prosperity and now go about posing as great patriots of their country.
The fire boy shovelled charcoal into the maw of the furnace with a great deal of clatter.
Oh, what a burden, Lord, to be the father of a grown-up daughter! I'll cut my throat I will, indeed! We cursed him, abused him, drove him out; and it's all you.
I'm the most unhappy of men! Why don't I put a bullet into my brain? Why haven't I cut my throat yet? What am I waiting for? Give me a knife! Give me a pistol! [Lomov moves] He seems to be coming round.
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