gataanugatik example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of gataanugatik 1. रचना गतानुगतिक भी हो सकती है और रचनाकार ने उसमें कुछ नया भी उत्खनन किया हो सकता है। 1. He juxtaposes two types of organizations: conventional organizations, called Cooperation, and new organizations, called Integration 2. His characters are purely conventional 3. However, this freedom result for many international rivers of old and new conventional diets 4. Meanwhile, Carlos Fuentes has published more conventional fictions, like the La Cabeza hidra (The head of the hydra, 1978) or La Campaña (Campaign, 1990) 5. Most of these jobs are in the more conventional image, often misogynistic, of women, including when it is a woman who speaks