gativigyaan example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. The morphodynamic approach applied to Ft, x (u) then used to study the dynamics of u discontinuities and their stability properties 2. Therefore this study helps to understand the dynamics of power relations in the world during the past half century 3. These natural dynamics slowed are coupled with a relatively low mortality, less due to the youth of the population as socio-medical equipment quite satisfactory 4. This corresponds to a local equilibrium hypothesis: the internal dynamics "fast" causes the system to a stable asymptotic regime corresponding to an internal state 5. Training and internal dynamics of the primary group the decisive influence here is that of K

Given are the examples of hindi word gativigyaan usage in english sentences. The examples of gativigyaan are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., dynamics, kinetics.

These have led to making the company one of the lowest cost producers of steel and the only Indian company to be recognised by the World Steel Dynamics as one of the top most World Class steel makers.

In order to understand the dynamics of database design, let us understand the data processing cycle in the context of accounting.
This approach does not give importance to the internal dynamics of behaviour.
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