garbhakesara example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. the androecium, or male organ, consisting of stamens (the pistil or femelle`` body (Bot, fifth Classes A and B 2. BOT plants whose flowers have stamens and pistil simultaneously 3. hermaphrodite adjective and name Said of a flower has both stamens and pistil of a plant or animal individual of a species or a human having the characters of hermaphroditism 4. on the chalice on the pistil [In speaking of analysis] Who provides Substances composed of pure substances obtained using various manipulations but without exerting decomposing action 5. Said plant species where the same subject carries the male and female flowers or whose flowers are hermaphrodite (the same flower carries the male organs [stamens] and female [pistil]) hermaphrodite plant where the pistil (? protogine) and stamens (? protandrous) arrive simultaneously or successively matured -