gaarhasthy example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Since 1953, including, as we have seen, the one that ended the government of René Mayer, but with the exception of the last, due to a pattern of domestic policy, they were caused by problems of International: C 2. The Aedes mosquito vector was (Stegomya) aegypti, common in the tropics, whose larvae develop in domestic deposits such as cans and water tanks boxes 3. The location of the railways and industrial centers expresses the priority of foreign trade on domestic exchanges 4. The Parliament, Social Democratic majority since 1916, declared in August 1917, sovereign domestic policy 5. The Privilegium Casimiranum gives Danzig the powers of an almost independent state, master of its domestic and foreign policy