girajaaghar example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
4. नाइजीरियाः गिरजाघर में प्रार्थना के दौरान गिरी छत, 160 लोगों की मौतlivehindustan.com5. दक्षिणी नाइजीरिया में एक गिरजाघर की छत गिरने से कम से कम 60 लोगों की मौत हो गईlivehindustan.com6. नाइजीरियाः गिरजाघर में प्रार्थना के दौरान गिरी छत, 60 लोगों की मौतlivehindustan.com7. दक्षिणी नाइजीरिया में एक गिरजाघर की छत गिरने से कम से कम 60 लोगों की मौत हो गईlivehindustan.com8. नाइजीरियाः गिरजाघर में प्रार्थना के दौरान गिरी छत, 60 लोगों की मौतlivehindustan.com9. उत्तरी फ्रांस के रोएन के समीप एक गिरजाघर में लोगों को बंधक बनाने वाले चाकू से लैस दो लोग मार गिराए गए हैंlivehindustan.com10. उत्तरी फ्रांस के रोएन के समीप एक गिरजाघर में लोगों को बंधक बनाने वाले चाकू से लैस दो लोग मार गिराए गए हैंlivehindustan.comUsage and Example of girajaaghar 1. इसकी एक छपी çति विटेनबर्ग के गिरजाघर के दरवाज़्ो पर टाँगी गई। 2. सऊदी अरब में ग़ैर-मुसलमानों को मंदिर या गिरजाघर बनाने की छूट नहीं है। 3. ऐसी ही खूबसूरती को निहारते हुए आप इटली पहुंच जाएंगे, जहां आपको पेड़ों से घिरे गिरजाघर के गुंबद और सुरू के पेड़ों से घिरी झील देखने को मिलेगी। 4. सेबेस्तियन बोला-"इसके लिए तो तुम्हें गिरजाघर की ऊँची मीनार पर चढ़ना होगा.। 5. हम माउन्ट एबट में गिरजाघर और अन्य दर्शनीय स्थलो की सैर करने के निकले कि अचानक घिर आये बादलों ने समां रोमांचक बना दिया । 1. This provision, which was that of the Franciscan church of Ingolstadt (1736-1740), destroyed at the end of the Second World War and that we meet at the church Aufhausen near Regensburg (approx 1736 2. Thus is realized a new combination of the central plan and the longitudinal plane reminiscent of the solution devised at that time by the great architect of Würzburg, Balthasar Neumann, the church of Neresheim 3. Thus is realized a new combination of the central plan and the longitudinal plane reminiscent of the solution devised at that time by the great architect of Würzburg, Balthasar Neumann, the church of Neresheim 4. We could apply this term, even more rigorously, in the church portal St 5. We will make a special place in the church of Lyon, who kept the traditional melodies of plainchant avoiding a clear decline elsewhere
The landlords, the rich and the Church opposed his policies.
When the fire broke out, I was still wearing the dress I had worn to church that morning but I had no shoes! I had kicked them off when I was doing my homework.
Polish was used for Church gatherings and all religious instruction.
On 18 May 1848, 831 elected representatives marched in a festive procession to take their places in the Frankfurt parliament convened in the Church of St Paul.
When the Frankfurt parliament convened in the Church of St Paul, women were admitted only as observers to stand in the visitors' gallery.
At church she had learned that one of the old crofters of the ironworks had been robbed by a man who went around selling rattraps.
He added that he had heard at church that the man was a thief.
Luther felt that several practices in the Roman Catholic Church went against the teachings of the Bible.Latest गिरजाघर girajaaghar news and headlines :
1. दक्षिणी नाइजीरिया में एक गिरजाघर की छत गिरने से 160 लोगों की मौत हो गईlivehindustan.com2. नाइजीरियाः गिरजाघर में प्रार्थना के दौरान गिरी छत, 160 लोगों की मौतlivehindustan.com3. दक्षिणी नाइजीरिया में एक गिरजाघर की छत गिरने से 160 लोगों की मौत हो गईlivehindustan.comGiven are the examples of hindi word girajaaghar usage in english sentences. The examples of girajaaghar are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., church, house of worship, house of god, kirk.
They rushed out to the parish church and began to ring the church bells! In 1836 a notable event took place when Charles Dickens's Pickwick Papers was serialised in a magazine.
The landlords, the rich and the Church opposed his policies.
When the fire broke out, I was still wearing the dress I had worn to church that morning but I had no shoes! I had kicked them off when I was doing my homework.
Polish was used for Church gatherings and all religious instruction.
On 18 May 1848, 831 elected representatives marched in a festive procession to take their places in the Frankfurt parliament convened in the Church of St Paul.
When the Frankfurt parliament convened in the Church of St Paul, women were admitted only as observers to stand in the visitors' gallery.
At church she had learned that one of the old crofters of the ironworks had been robbed by a man who went around selling rattraps.
He added that he had heard at church that the man was a thief.
Luther was strongly opposed to the practice of “indulgences” or making donations to the Church so as to gain forgiveness from sins.
संबंधित शब्द गिरजाघर के पर्यायवाची गिरजाघर के विपरीत शब्द