geetaansh example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest गीतांश geetaansh news and headlines :
1. गीतांश की टीशर्ट LiveHindustan 1. They give life to the phrase 2. This leads to the study of relationships - dependent (appositum) / closing (suppositum) - governing the phrase "well-formed" (sermo congruus and perfectus) 3. 1629: Salmon) directly connects phrase and extra-linguistic context 4. Hence the famous phrase Merriam: "Ethnomusicology is the study of music in culture 5. The phrase is simple or complex

Given are the examples of hindi word geetaansh usage in english sentences. The examples of geetaansh are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., phrase.

The phrase 'modes of entry into international business', therefore, means various ways in which a company can enter into international business.

संबंधित शब्द गीतांश के पर्यायवाची

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