geetinaaty example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of geetinaaty 1. उनकी कविताएँ, कहानियाँ, उपन्यास, निबंध, गीतिनाट्य और रिपोर्ताज हिंदी साहित्य की उपलिब्धयाँ हैं। 1. Paradoxically, the work has few national elements in its structure, which is very similar to that of the Italian opera by Bellini and Donizetti, as well as that of French opera 2. Regional principalities were reestablished; but, at first, the restoration of the state opera under the feudal institutions 3. Regrettably it has dedicated its latest efforts to orchestrate his opera Ghiselle, while a draft sonata for cello and piano was waiting for a few months 4. The success of this work is rapidly gaining major international opera houses, (he had exceeded in 1996, a thousand performances) 5. Then he adapted the play Kabale und Liebe by Schiller ("Cabal and Love" ), opera created in Vienna in 1976

Given are the examples of hindi word geetinaaty usage in english sentences. The examples of geetinaaty are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., opera.