gunjaayamaan example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest गुंजायमान gunjaayamaan news and headlines :
1. सावन के पहले सोमवार को हर-हर महादेव से गुंजायमान हुए शिवालय, मंदिरों में उमड़े भक्त amarujala.com2. ‘भारत माता की जय’ का नारा हिन्दुस्तान में ही नहीं, पूरी दुनिया में गुंजायमान करना चाहिए bhaskar.com3. हम होंगे कामयाब गीत से परिसर गुंजायमान हो गया
4. भगवान के जयकारे से शहर गुंजायमान था bhaskar.com5. हर-हर मोदी,घर-घर मोदी के नारे से गुंजायमान हुआ दानापुर LiveHindustan6. हर तरफ बम-बम भोले के उद्घोष गुंजायमान हो रहे हैंibnlive.com7. छठ गीतों से पूरा बिहार हुआ गुंजायमान LiveHindustan8. इस दौरान जयकारों और भजनों की प्रस्‍तुति से द्रोण नगरी गुंजायमान रही jagran.comUsage and Example of gunjaayamaan 1. ‘ओम जय जगदीश हरे’ से हर की पौड़ी गुंजायमान हो जाती है। 2. घुघुती , गौरेया , सिन्टई की किलकारियों से वातावरण गुंजायमान रहता था। 3. गुंजायमान भटकते स्वरों से। 4. और होगी गुंजायमान ऋचाओं से,। 5. जो जीवित है गुंजायमान है। 1. Right in the age of Descartes, in 1666, the ghettos were thus abuzz from Hamburg to Thessaloniki: Sabbatai Zevi proclaimed himself the Messiah 2. On the outside, yet his armies suffered resounding defeats of the Netherlands, Germany and Italy 3. Skilled workers disappear, with the exception of goldsmiths, which embodies the Saint Eloi resounding success 4. The Entry of Christ into Jerusalem (drawing) leads to Christ's Entry into Brussels (1888), the work most resounding Ensor, grotesque buffoonery, but symbolist allegory and manifest of modern painting 5. The instinct and sensitivity she showed quickly attracted attention on it, and then a resounding fame

Given are the examples of hindi word gunjaayamaan usage in english sentences. The examples of gunjaayamaan are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., resonant, ringing, droning, vibrant, abuzz, sonorous, resonating, resounding, reverberant, reverberative, reverberating, buzzing.

Only an hour ago the trees were ringing with birdsong.

When I read the editor s name, I heard a bell ringing in my shrunken heart.
Benzene is a hybrid of various resonating structures.
It is clear from the above resonating structures that the electron density is more on o – and p – positions.
” Bholi felt as if suddenly all the bells in the village temple were ringing and the trees in front of the school-house had blossomed into big red flowers.
A vibrant sea trade operated through the main pre-colonial ports.
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