gunjit example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of gunjit 1. इन वायु-प्रवाह से झूम उठा, गुंजित हो गया। 2. मैं ही हूँ गुंजित प्रतिध्वनि। 3. इन वायु-प्रवाह से झूम उठा, गुंजित हो गया। 4. गुंजित गगन करें हम, हे मातृभूमि भारत! 5. प्राणों में गुंजित स्वर हैं भरते। 1. A wavemeter is a resonant cavity which is possible to vary the dimensions by a mechanical precision device for measuring a frequency due to the occurrence of resonance 2. By interaction with a resonant light, it is possible to populate certain atomic levels over others 3. Cavities cavities or volumes conventional resonant microwave cavity A is a finite dielectric medium bounded by a closed conductive surface and wherein there is an electromagnetic field 4. Conversely, the measurement of the polarization of the resonant light remitted by known carbon but located in the upper atmosphere makes it possible to deduce the value of the magnetic field B at that point 5. Early work on the resonant quartz chronometric applications are due to W

Given are the examples of hindi word gunjit usage in english sentences. The examples of gunjit are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., resonant.