gunaanvit example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. "For Molière, the man of honor is above all a virtuous being, which attacks disguises, lies; it resists fashionable, even that of the Court and small Marquis 2. Although virtuous Muslim war remains a war 3. French positions Mercure de France Claude Adrien Helvetius Paris 1715-Paris 1771 The art of politics is to make sure it is in everyone's interest to be virtuous 4. It is only relative importance: do not respect the rights of his parents, kill a Muslim, commit adultery, slander virtuous Muslim, to flee the holy war are considered very serious faults 5. Mark vi, and Matthew, XIV), though he was a good man and had exhorted the Jews to lead a virtuous life, to practice justice towards their fellows and piety towards God; and it to be united through baptism

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