gunee example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest गुणी gunee news and headlines :
1. रसेल गुणी खिलाड़ी है, हमने पेशेवर क्रिकेट खेलाः गंभीर jagran.com2. - प्रोग्राम की शुरुआत में इस काम में लगे अमले को काफी कठिनाइयों का सामना करना पड़ा, जैसे अच्छी जगह चुनना, एक गुणी फैसिलिटी बनाना, हमारे स्टाफ को ट्रेंड करना और हिसार के स्थानीय लोगों को इस प्रोग्राम के बारे में समझाना bhaskar.com3. प्रवर्तक श्री जिनेंद्र मुनि के जन्म दिन पर उन्होंने कहा आज हमें प्रवर्तक श्री के गुणों का गुणगान करना है, क्योंकि वे गुणी हैं और गुणी का गुणगान करना धर्म है
4. बिहार चुनावः एनडीए में सीएम विवाद पर लालू ने ली चुटकी, कहा-रामविलास स्वाभिमानी, उपेंद्र गुणी LiveHindustanUsage and Example of gunee 1. यही कारण है कि हर आदमी दोषी अधिक दिख रहा है, गुणी कम या बिलकुल ही नहीं। 2. इस लिये ऐसे ही कई गुणी सन्तानों में से, एक। 3. विष्णु जी तो अपने आसपास की चीजों से चित्र ढूंढने वाले गुणी कलाकार हैं। 4. इसे देखने के लिए गुणी बिजनेस मैनेजर की ज़रूरत होगी। 5. इतने गुणी व्यक्ति का कैसा दुर्भाग्य !
1. They are appointed for six years by the organizations they represent, or by the Prime Minister for qualified individuals 2. This positive assessment, especially in the first period, must be qualified by three observations 3. This very pessimistic view yet needs to be qualified 4. ), comprising representatives of the main socio-professional organizations, family and education, as well as qualified personalities, issues an opinion on matters within the jurisdiction of the Board regional 5. Inspired by friendship, they contain more good feelings than facts

Given are the examples of hindi word gunee usage in english sentences. The examples of gunee are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., proficient, virtuous, meritorious, accomplished, qualified.

If the translator is not proficient with both the languages, mistakes may creep in causing different meanings to the communication.

It is utterly foolish to think that controlling could be accomplished without planning.
Imagine how much could be accomplished if companies could operate on a twenty-four hour workday.
The process of digestion is accomplished by mechanical and chemical processes.
Women who died in this manner, whether willingly or otherwise, were called “sati”, meaning virtuous women.
As you will expect, this is accomplished through a complex design, with different parts of the brain responsible for integrating different inputs and outputs.
This is accomplished through responses (behaviours) that are reinforced.
Sakal was meritorious and interested in studies from the beginning.
In the morning, just like any other day, I washed my face and like a virtuous student, with chalk and slate in hand, I headed for school.
” Evelyn Glennie has already accomplished more than most people twice her age.
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