gulagula example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of gulagula 1. बचपन में दादा पूछते थे- बेटा पीठ गुलगुला रही है क्या? 1. Hoover sleek F 2. Erosion, emitting soft materials, is responsible for the sharpness of units: Börzsöny, Mátra (1015 m), volcanic-Zemplen Tokaj; Cserhát, Bükk (959 m), Cserehát dolomitic, with picturesque forms karst (cave Aggtelek) 3. He never left the institution of the rue Saint-Jacques, where he became a doctor in 1803 after defending his thesis Essay on the pneumothorax or soft congestion that form in the chest 4. In case of abnormal mucosal lining of the cervix, a different color is observed either red or white, with sharp edges or soft outlines 5. In the art of painting, the research of a line at once soft and supple to this day remains a highly valued criteria