graamakaayastha example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
The pen and paper are on the table.क़लम और काग़ज़ मेज़ पर हैं|
Hold the pen in the hand.हाथ में क़लम लो|
He began writing in Urdu and then shifted to Hindi, remaining an immensely influential writer in both languages.
It is set in the Burmese invasion, stories of which the author had probably heard from old soldiers who had fought in the 1819 campaign.Transliterated examples :
1. The debate on the man of action granted to the Romans also about the writer 2. The paths of creation Who was Faulkner? To this question that haunts the minds of its readers since Sartre put it in February 1938, it is necessary, even after the publication of the biography of the great writer J 3. The theoretical work: "Life forms" prestigious speaker and writer of rare quality, especially Focillon wanted to be a historian 4. the writer (? Graphology; ? Writing, cit 5. The writer has never neglectedGiven are the examples of hindi word graamakaayastha usage in english sentences. The examples of graamakaayastha are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., writer, wordsmith, author, penman, pen, auther.
The pen is in the hand. There is ink in the pen.क़लम हाथ में है| क़लम में स्याही है|
The pen and paper are on the table.क़लम और काग़ज़ मेज़ पर हैं|
Hold the pen in the hand.हाथ में क़लम लो|
He began writing in Urdu and then shifted to Hindi, remaining an immensely influential writer in both languages.
Hannah Mullens, a Christian missionary and the author of Karuna o Phulmonir Bibaran (1852), reputedly the first novel in Bengali, tells her readers that she wrote in secret.
Potheri Kunjambu, a 'lower-caste' writer from north Kerala, wrote a novel called Saraswativijayam in 1892, mounting a strong attack on caste oppression.
While novelists before Burman had featured 'low' castes as their protagonists, Titash is special because the author is himself from a 'low-caste', fisherfolk community.
This is a serious problem because we rarely find the original manuscript of the author today.
As a result historians have to read different manuscript versions of the same text to guess what the author had originally written.
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